Saturday, March 21, 2009

Me and Jen went to Hannafords

    Bun had said last week that we might go out for breakfast some time this week since me and Kara are both on spring break.  I was thinking about last night and I called Bun and said today was the last day of the week are we going or not.  She said sure.  Me, her and Kara all went to breakfast this morning.  Initially she had said last week that we might go to Jake's Cafe in West Boylston, but Grampy used to love that place and he died the end of last year.  Bun said she wasn't ready to go there, I tried to talk her into it but it was no use.  We were going to go to some place in Acton, but when we got there it was packed.  We left and went to some place in Maynard, the food was OK.  Me and Jen hung out for a while today.  Mom had to get her wisdom teeth pulled and dad went with her.  Right before Ma & Pa left Jen came in the living room and to sit with me.  After a while she leaned against me and fell asleep.  She dozed on and off.  She kept waking up and making me rub her ear.  She sat with me for over an hour and then Bun called and asked if we wanted to come over because Sandy was there.  Before Jen fell asleep she kept signing she wanted to walk to Bun's to show her movie, so I told Bun sure.  We hung out there for like 45 minutes to an hour and then we went back home.  Then we left to go return bottles at Hannafords.  I told Bun we were going and like always she wasn't sure if I should.  I told her I'd brought Jen to do bottles before and she was fine, it'll be ok.  As we were walking across the parking lot I saw a car that looked just liked Gram's and when we walked by it and I happened to turn and look at it and I realized an was sitting in the Passenger's seat of the car.  It was Gram's car.  We stopped and talked to Nan for a second.  Jen was such a good girl, I could tell she was actually having fun.  I think Jen loves to be given some responsibility.  Jen loved putting the bottles in the machine.  She was very slow but I was no hurry and she was having fun.  We she first started putting bottles in the machine she looked at me and signed work Elmo.  I thought for a second and remembered there was and Elmo DVD she wanted they were selling at Hannafords.  She was asking me if she helped me if I'd buy her the DVD.  I said, "No Jen, Elmo's for babies."  After we returned bottles she helped me cash in some money in the Coin Star Machine.  When we were at the Coin Star machine the girl who was working in the courtesy booth walked by us and told me Jen is her favorite little girl that comes in.  I don't know if she knew Jen outside of Hannafords or not, but I thought that was nice.  Next we looked for a movie to rent out of the RedBox.  I was leaning towards renting the film Milk, but I kept looking at the other movies.  I did rent Milk, read my review of the film in my next post.  Jen was such a good girl I let her rent a movie too.  She wanted to rent a Bob the Builder, I said no.  Then she wanted Scooby Doo, I told she wouldn't watch it.  She wanted Sponge Bob, and I told her the same thing.  She eventually rented Kung Fu Panda.  Then we walked around Hannafords to buy some food.  Hannafords now has small carts for like old or short people and Jen loves them.  She insisted I buy her some bubbles, so I gave in, they were only $0.85.  When we were at the register Lampon was the cashier at the register behind us.  Lampon is a really nice Viatemese lady that works at Hannafords she was asking me about Jen.  She was saying Jen is cute and then she asked how old Jen was.  She was stunned when I said eighteen.  I laughed and said she is a little short. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jennifer is the luckiest little girl in the world to have such a wonderful brother that loves her no matter what. I am lucky to have the best son in the world too!