Thursday, March 19, 2009

Blog on Facebook, Going to Breakfast with Bun, I gotta alotta trash, etc....

    I  have set it so the feed from my blog (this) will be fed into Facebook.  Every time I post a blog entry it will automatically be posted to my Facebook as a note.  So If your reading this on my Facebook, cool, thanks, enjoy. 
    Bun told me several times last week that we'd all go to breakfast sometime this week.  Well the week is almost over and we haven't yet.  I called her earlier and asked her if we're going or not.  She said sure we're going tomorrow, me, her and Kara.  But she asked me where I wanted to go, and I told her Jake's.  She said she still isn't ready to go to Jake's so we're going to some little place in Acton. 
I spent several hours yesterday and today working on my Chem lab and Chem quiz.  My Chem teacher is the only one who gave homework over break, I hate her.  Both the quiz and lab are a bitch to do, I didn't finish either.  Me and Scott were talking on Facebook chat and he helped me some but he is really confused too.  We are both just going to do them both on Monday so we can ask the stupid teacher questions. 
    I saw this shirt online and I kinda like it, and it's cheap, should I buy it?
Click this text to view this t-shirt on the typetees website
    I have a trash box in my room that I put trash in and every couple months I burn it all in the backyard.  Well I haven't burned the shit since Christmas and there is a shit load of well shit in the corner of my room.  Tomorrow I'm going to connect my Zune to my old skool boombox, crank some tunes and burn it all. 
    Wow my blog posts are random haha.

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