- Robot Chicken
My life really isn't interesting. I know no one reads this. I don't even know why I set it up and write in it.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Christmas was Ok....
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Christmas is different
This Christmas will be weird. My and Jessie won't be together, but we weren't together last year either. But it will be more so weird because Grampy is gone. Bun is upset, she won't talk about it, but she is. She is having a rough time with handling it. But I know she will love the picture of Grampy I am giving her for Christmas.
So yesterday I broke up with Jessie. I just couldn't deal with her anymore. I always knew we wouldn't last. I knew for a long time that I would eventually snap and break up with her. Well I snapped! It feels a little weird. It feels like I have this little whole in me now, but at the same time it feels like a 2000 lb has been lifted off me. It feels right. When she was fun she was really fun, but when she wasn't she was unbearable. It just isn't worth it. She is just so immature and irresponsible and is always constantly pissing me off and hurting me. If I could find someone that had just some of the good qualities she had and none of the bad that would be amazing and I am sure I could find someone. I am no lady's man, I am no charmer, but I think I could do better.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Not having power sucks!!!!!!
This weekend was crazy. There was a big ice storm last Thursday night and we lost power last Friday at 2am and still haven't got it back. I am running my laptop off a generator. We lost cable TV Thursday night at about 8:30 and I thought that was bad, but the power went out at 2am. We have two generators hooked up to my house and one to Bun's house. We had the TV hooked up to a generator Saturday to watch DVDs and such and I turned it on at about 10pm and realized cable was back. Yeah!!! So I watched SNL Saturday, it was ok. I was expecting more being as it was Amy Poehler's last show and Hugh Laurie was hosting. It was funny though. I slept at Bun's Saturday and Sunday night because she didn't want to be alone and was afraid the generators would go out. Olga stayed at either Bun's house or our house since Friday because her house had no power or heat and we both have wood stoves. Olga went back last night because she got power back, but we still haven't. I think we are supposed to get it back tonight, hopefully. I was supposed to have my Networking and Computer Security final today, but my school canceled, now my final is next Tuesday December 23, the day before Christmas Eve. Bobby and Ralphie put both generators right outside the bathroom window at Bun's house with the exhausts facing the window and for a couple hours Saturday afternoon Bun kept complaining that she could smell exhaust fumes in the bathroom then in the kitchen. Then at like 6pm the Carbon Monoxide alarm went off in Bun's house because there was Carbon Monoxide in the exhaust fumes. Carbon Monoxide will kill you so we all had to leave, but Bun refused to leave. Mom was freaking out. Me, mom and dad all went outside and moved the generators and gas tanks away from the bathroom window. Ritchie came over and said it was all ok now. He even went to Loews and bought a second Carbon Monoxide detector and put in the bathroom. It was cool it was a dual smoke and Carbon Monoxide detector and it talked to you and told you to leave the house there was a Carbon Monoxide/smoke threat. So I went back over and slept at Bun's in case there was an issue with the generators. Bun had one generator hooked up to just her refrigerator and the other to everything else. At 2am Sunday morning I opened Bun's fridge and it was off. So I ran outside and checked the generator and it was out of gas. I filled it was gas, but I couldn't for the life of me get it started. Almost everything in Bun's fridge has to be thrown out and she had A LOT of food in there. I have spent A LOT of time on my project for Object Oriented Design and Analysis, I added a lot to it and refined it and made it better.
I think that is all have to say for now. This is by far the largest entry I've ever written.
I saw Cheech & Chong live in Boston on Friday with my old Friend Garrett. It was really cool. Their opening act was Shelby Chong, Tommy Chong's wife, doing stand-up. She was ok. Then Cheech & Chong came out. They were hilarous. They started the show with a recreation of the opening of Up in Smoke, almost word for word. The part of the car was played by two chairs on stage. Most of what they did was just recreate all their old bits they did in the '70s, which was perfectly fine with us. It was kind of like seeing them back in the '70s, except for the Bush jokes and they jokes about Tommy Chong being in Jail. A lot of the audience was drinking heavenly, which I wouldn't give a shit about but some people a couple rows in front of us would stand up and go buy more beer every like 15 minutes and when they stood up we couldn't see. The show started at about 7:50pm and was over by like 9:40pm, which was short. When we were leaving I was looking at their merch and bought a pin pack and the DVD a/k/a Tommy Chong, which I've wanted to see for a while. There was a couple T-Shirts I really liked but their shirts were $40 and $50, and for anyone who knows me I would never pay that much for a shirt. I figured I could just look on eBay for the shirt I wanted because I'm sure it's on there. Then when we were leaving the building there were two buys on the sidewalk outside selling knock-off T-shirts for $20, so I bought one. We took the T in and the last T leaves at 12:15 and it really wasn't too too cold in Boston so we decided to wander Boston until we had to catch the last train. We wondered Boston from about 9:50 to 11:55. We walked a lot of the streets around Tremont St., then we walked around the Boston Common, then we walked back up Tremont St. to the Burger King because we both really had to piss, then we walked down Tremont St. towards the Theatre District and walked from their to the Prudential Center (which is far). We roamed Copley Plaza for a few minutes, the stores were all closed but we could still go in and get out of the cold, they we caught the train home.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
The movie Wanted was actually very entertaining
So my dad rented the movie Wanted today. I watched it earlier. I originally wasn't interested in this movie, but I figured I'd give it a chance. It was ok. The movie reminded me a lot of Shot 'Em Up, even though I only saw like the second half of that one. It was an ok movie, pretty entertaining, but extremely ridiculous. It was such a guy movie, haha. So many insane gun fights. James McAvoy was actually pretty good in it. Common was actually pretty good, he really wasn't in the film very much. The film was very ridiculous and unbelievable, but very entertaining.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
My first update in a while: Grampy and some movies I saw
I have gotten a complaint that I haven't updated this in a while. Well since the last time I updated this. My grandfather, who I was very close to, was in the hospital for 5 weeks. He came home last week and was on hospice care. (Hospice care is when a person is dying and they are just made comfortable and the hospice people help you with pretty much everything). He died last Friday at home surrounded by family. It was really sad but he wasn't happy in the hospital and wanted to die at home. He seemed very at peace when he was home. Click here to see his obituary.
I saw the new Indiana Jones movie, oh god what a disappointment. For a regular movie it was ok, but as an Indiana Jones movie it was bad. Why why why why why did they have aliens in Indiana Jones???? Come on!!! Or wait I'm sorry they weren't aliens, they were transdimensional beings. But still come on that alone kinda killed the movie.
I also saw Tropic Thunder. That was very funny, but not nearly as funny as it was hyped up to be. It was definitely funny though. Ben Stiller really wasn't as funny as he has been in the past. Jack Black is usually so much more funny than that. I was disappointed. I read a review of the movie Role Models (which I've also seen) that said it was really funny, but wasn't as funny as Tropic Thunder. No I definitely think Role Models was way funnier. That little black kid was so funny.
I haven't really bought any Christmas presents yet. I really need to get on that. I applied to the Newbury Comics in the Solomn Pond Mall and they said they'd call me this week. I hope I get the job then I'll have more money to buy presents.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Colbert White House Correspondents Dinner Speech
Hey I saw this video on CollegeHumor and I had to post it. This video is the famous video of Stephen Colbert giving his speech at the White House Correspondents Dinner. As you can see in the video President Bush is sitting two people next to him. I so this video online two and a half years ago, and if you haven't seen it yet YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS. If you are a fan of political humor of a fan of Colbert YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS. This video is hysterical. Colbert one the Spike "Guy's Choice Award" for "gutsiest move" for this. This was broadcast live on C-Span when it happened which makes it all the better. I wish I saw it live when it happened, it would have been funnier if I knew it was live. Jessie watch the video!!!!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Forgetting Sarah Marshall was actually Pretty Good
I got Forgetting Sarah Marshall from the RedBox today. I just finished watching it. I liked it a lot better than I thought I would. It is better than the 40 Year Old Virgin, better than Wedding Crashers, better than Knocked Up, better than Superbad, better than Talladega Nights. It was pretty funny. As I have thought with every Judd Apatow movie I have seen, it went a little overboard on some parts. However, I think I really liked it. The jokes were really funny. Some of the small charcters were dumb, but the were only small charcters so it didn't really have an effect. I liked Mila Kunis's charcter and I think her and Jason Segel were good together. Russell Brand's charcter was very funny. I loved Jack McBrayer's character, he plays the awkward quirky adult so so well. And the woman that McBrayer's wife was Maris Thayer, from the movie Accepted and the movie and TV show Strangers with Candy, which was awesome. I think her and Jack were good and really played off each other well. Jonah Hill was funny, his only had a small role, but it was good. Towards the end there is this really loud sex scene and my dogs in the next could hear it and the started barking, it was funny.
There was an awesome special feature on the DVD called Line-O-Rama. It is all the best and funniest lines of the movie said in a bunch of different ways. It was really really funny.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Thumbsucker, Rocket Science, and Idiocracy
So I watched all three movies I got from the library. Last night Jessie and I watched Thumbsucker. I really didn't like it. I really just didn't like this film. I thought the thumbsucking was dumb. The whole time I was watching it I was wondering when it would end .
Earlier me and Jen watched Rocket Science. This film was pretty good. It was slow at points. I thought the music in the film was awesome and worked really well. Some of the characters didn't work that well. But most of the main cast was awesome. For a full cast of total unknown actors, they were really good. Definitely not the best film I've seen this year, but definitely worth a viewing.
I finished watching the movie Idiocracy like 15 minutes ago. This movie was very dumb, but when you really think about it. I think it was supposed to be. It was definitely really funny in parts. Some of the characters were perfectly cast. It is actually a really interesting look at what our society may become someday with the mass consumerism and mass dumbing down of our current society. It would generally expect more from Mike Judge, but this a smart comedy disguised as a really dumb comedy.
Monday, September 29, 2008
I hate When My 7 AM Class is Canceled
Today at school I had a 7 am class. I got to school at 6:55 am and there was a sign on the door that said class was canceled. I was not happy. I woke up that early and class was canceled. A few of us went to the Student Center and I checked my email, I got a email saying class was canceled. But who checks their email at like 6am??? The time of the email was midnight last night. If you have a 7 am class the next day and you aren't an idiot wouldn't you go to bed before midnight??? It wasn't a total loss though, Scott helped me a lot with my chemistry, a lot. We were trying to find something to watch in the Student Center, but there is nothing on TV at from like 7am 8:30 am except infomercials, children's shows and crappy morning shows. We eventually found Malcolm in the Middle and watched that.
When I got home I went to the post office and the library. I picked up my Cheech & Chong tickets at the post office, sweet. At the library I got three DVDs out. I figure maybe on Friday me & Jessie could watch a couple. Jessie is awesome. I got Rocket Science, Thumbsucker, and Idiocracy.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
WROR Yard Sale was Awesome
When we left this morning we went to Dozen Donuts and I got my usual two glazed donuts. When dad came back to the car with my donuts Jen looked and the bag and took one of my donuts out and asked if she could bite it. I was like, "sure, I doubt you'll eat it though." Today was the WROR Yard Sale at Kimble's. It was awesome. I got a bunch of good shit cheap. Mom and Gram bought a lot, A LOT, of really good, really cheap stuff. I bought Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 for GameCube for $1 and another cool lighting globe thing for $5. I also bought the books Stuff White People Like and Cheech & Chong: The Unauthorized autobiography by Tommy Chong for $1 each, hats right $1 each for those two amazing books. I also bought a new copy of the CD Lorne and Wally: Stand Up Guys for $.25 (it sells at FYE for $14) and even got Lorne and Wally to sign it for me. Although I had to fight a large crowd to get their autographs. I also bought one of comedian Bob Marley's CDs and got him to sign that too. Then later I heard of some speaker that Tom Doyle was there so I went to find him to see if he'd sign something. I saw him from a distance but when i started to get close he was gone. Then I tried again and I didn't see him again. Then when I went to leave I didn't see him but I walked by him and he called me some name and shock my hand. I was going to have him sign my CD too, but I figured screw it, I should have brought my copy of his CD to sign. It was a good day. After that we all went for lunch/breakfast at Jake's.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Baby Mama Disappointed Me :(
I went to rent a movie out of the RedBox today, but once again it didn't have what I really wanted. I got Baby Mama instead, which I did want to see though. I was disappointed though. I thought Tina Fey wrote it, she didn't. It was less funny that I expected. The reviews weren't amazing, but I figured it can't be horrible. There were some funny scenes, but overall it wasn't really that funny. Most of the really funny scenes were in the commercials and trial for the movie, so I'd already seen them. There were so many genius comedians and writers that worked on or were in this that I really expected more.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Saturday, September 6, 2008
I just saw this on TV and laughed really really hard. You have to watch this video. Its hysterical!!!!
The Amateurs, a Film About a Porno, with No Nudity......
I know I haven't written in here in a while, but here it goes. I rented the movieThe Amateurs from the RedBox today. I was going to get Where in the World is Osama bin Laden?, but they didn't have it so I gotThe Amateurs instead. I'd heard of The Amateurs movie several months ago, and thought it may be interesting, but probably not that good. I was wrong. I was very wrong. This movie is awesome!!!!! The cast is awesome!!! The cast includes: Jeff Bridges, Patrick Fugit, Ted Danson, Joe Pantoliano, William Fichtner, Lauren Graham, Glenne Headley, Tim Blake Nelson, Isaiah Washington and Jeanne Tripplehorn. It is the story of a small town that never really did anything big, so I bunch of the guys in town decide to produce their own porno. Ted Danson's character is gay but won't admit it. He plays a really funny gay guy. Jeff Bridges is the head of the pack trying to make this film. For a film about a porno, there is no nudity. There is a tiny bit of ass nudity, including Ted Danson's, but that's it. Isaiah Washington plays a black man who was cast in the movie as one of the well endowed black guys who has a four-way with the skinny white guy. But he and the other two black guys were not "endowed enough", so they were fired. Isaiah Washington's character and Jeff Bridges get into a really funny argument in a diner about their issue of Washington was not "endowed enough". But that is really ok. This movie is really funny. I mean really funny. The ending was great too. I won't really saw what happened, but the ending was really smart. All and all it was just a really unexpectedly funny movie. The sad thing is very few people have heard of it. I think it would have been a lot bigger if it was marketed better. So go see this movie!!!!!! I've included the trailer for the film below:
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Me and Jen Got Locked Out
Mom and Bun went out shopping again this morning so I had to get Jen off the bus at 12:35. I was standing in the kitchen when I heard the bus pull in the driveway I ran outside to get Jen off the bus. I got Jen off the bus. Then I turned around and realized when I ran outside somehow the backdoor shut and was locked and my keys where on my desk in my room. Me and Jen were standing on the driveway locked out. I was like shit what now? So I said to Jen, "Do you wanna go to Buns?" She said yes and we walked across the lawn. I hoped Grampy would be home, but I was pretty sure he wouldn't be. He wasn't, he goes out to lunch with his friend on Thursdays. Then I remember Bun had a key to her house hidden somewhere on the porch, I figured if I found it I could find the key to my house in one of the drawers of her house. I looked and looked and couldn't find the key. So me and Jen just sat on Bun's porch and watched TV until mom and Bun got home. They got home at like 1:15.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Aderson Cooper Hates the Lohan Family
I am totally in love with this video it is hysterical. Everyone watch this!!!! It is just awesome. Appearently Anderson Copper really hates the Lohan family and he is my new hero because of it. Just watch this!!!!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
I figured I'd Update, So Here It Is
I opened this blog and realized I haven't written in here for almost two weeks so I figured I'd write something (even though I know the only one who reads this is Jessie...). I was going to list some stuff on eBay today but I never did. I've been meaning to list a bunch of stuff for like three weeks and just haven't yet. I am planning to list a shit load of stuff this Saturday. The Last Comic Standing final was tonight. Iliza Shlesingger won, she was funny, but she definitely wasn't the funniest. I am still pissed Sean Cullum was booted off last week, he was awesome. Although he was a very successful comic before Last Comic Standing and will be after. Tomorrow I am going to Worcester to pay my college bill. Me and mom are both paying half, my half for this semester is $1542, yah, that sucks. Today I went to Hannafords to return Harold and Kumar: Escape from Guantanamo Bay to the RedBox. While I was there I bought another pint of Ben & Jerry's: Stephen Colbert's Americone Dream. I plan to start to eat when I watch his show tonight. It will be epic.
Harold and Kumar: Escape from Guantanamo Bay Wasn't as Good as the First Film
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Traffic Sucks
I was supposed to go yard saleing today at like 7 am, but I was too tired. Mom said they'd go to the ones in Bolton then come back for me to go to the ones in Sterling. Them came back upstairs at like 10:15 and I still hadn't woken up. Mom came upstairs and yelled at me because I was still sleeping. Then she went back downstairs and her and dad unloaded the truck with some of the shit they'd bought so far. I got up, got dressed and was in the truck in about 15 minutes. We went to a few yard sales. I got the album Double Fantasy by John Lennon & Yoko Ono on cassette. Then dad decided he wanted to go for a ride to the Bass Pro Shops store, which is in the parking lot of Gillette Stadium.
Well we are driving along and then we hit horrible traffic. We couldn't figure out what the traffic was for. We didn't see an accident. Me and dad were thinking maybe there is some big concert at the Tweeter Center (NOT the Comcast Center, it will always be the Tweeter Center to me), which is a few exits before Gillette Stadium on the highway. But the traffic went past the Tweeter Center exit. Then we went to get off at the Gillette Stadium exit, and all the traffic was going down the exit. Then we started to notice most of the people in the cars around us had cowboy hats on. Mom roller her window down and asked the drunk woman in the car next to us what the traffic was for. The lady looked at mom like she had two heads it said, "Country Fest with Kenney Chesney is at Gillette Stadium tonight". So to go about two miles took us about 35 minutes. When we got close to Gillette Stadium both sides are of the road alls you could see was a sea of EZ-Ups tents and people talegating. There were so many drunk people just wandering around. Then we got to the Bass Pro Shops store and there was like no one there. But that place is crazy. Its huge!!!! There is a big fish tank and a waterfall and more dead stuffed animals in one place then I've ever seen in one place before.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Going Back To Philly
This video is really funny, its an extension of the TV commercial. JESSIE WATCH THIS
Friday, July 4, 2008
Fucking Emergency Room!!!
So yeah I've had this weird mark on my right shoulder for like a week now. So this morning me and dad went to the emergency room to see what it was. I went to register with the receptionist and alls she did was take my name. There was like no one there and we still had to wait a while. There was a TV in the waiting room, but alls that was on it was the tennis finals. Then the they called my name. This nurse looked at me, took my vitals and asked me information. Then she sent me back to register with the receptionist. I did that then went back to the waiting room. Me and dad sat in the waiting room for like 10 minutes, then they called my name again. Then they put us in a big room with hospital beds for like 45 minutes. Then the doctor showered up looked it my arm and said it looks like a an insect bite, maybe a tic bite. He said he wasn't worried at all about the weird mark, which is what I thought was worse. He said he was more worried about the light red circle around it. He said he'd give me a prescription for an antibiotic for it. He said there was a chance it was a tic bite and it could possibly have been carrying Lyme Disease, but he said that a test would really show a 100% if I had it or not whatever the result was. He said a Lyme Disease test could always be done later. Me and dad looked at each other and dad told him we'd have it done today. Then the doctor disappeared for a few minutes and then came back with my prescription. He said a nurse would come in a few minutes to do the Lyme Disease test. Then he left. A couple minutes after he left dad went back to the waiting room because he said the chair he was sitting in wasn't very comfortable. Then I sat in the chair dad was in. A few minutes later the nurse showed up to do the Lyme Disease test, which is a blood test. It was the same nurse from before. When the nurse came we had the following discussion:
ME: I'd really prefer if you'd draw blood from my left arm.
ME: Because I prefer my left arm being done then my right.
ME: Because when I was younger a couple times when I had blood drawn they kept missing and my arm hurt, and I write with my right hand so I figure if you mess up it won't hurt to write.
Thank god I made her do my left arm, because she missed my vain not once, not twice, but FIVE TIMES!!!! And she didn't keep poking me she just kept moving the needle around under my skin. She wasn't even new. By the third time she couldn't get my vain I was very annoyed. But by the fifth time I came extremely close to passing out. By about the third try I started to feel really woozy. Then I felt worse with the fourth try and my vision started to get blurry. Then I told the nurse I was light headed before at the start of the fifth and final try, then I felt really bad, my vision was really blurring and couldn't really even see. Then two nurses helped my onto the bed to lie down and she gave me a wet face cloth for my forehead. The nurse laid me down, pulled my glasses off by one of the arms of the glasses (which can bend and damage the glasses) and gave me the wet facecloth. After a few minutes I felt good enough to walk and I just left. I went back to the waiting room and told dad we can leave. My arm has been sore for the rest of the day. When I got home I told mom the nurse did five tries to get my vain. She was pissed. There was a sign on the wall at the hospital that said you'd get a survey in the mail about your treatment in the ER, I can't wait because I'll be very honest.
I GOT A C+ IN CALC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I GOT A C+ IN CALCULUS!!!!!!! I got a 69 on the final. I had done the math out on Tuesday and I figured out if I got at least a 67 on the final I'd get at least a 70 in the class, which is what I needed. With a 69 on the final means I got a 71 in the class, which is awesome. But even better, the teacher emailed me to tell me my grade on the final and he said my overall grade in the class was a C+. One of the kids in my CS classes said he took the online class with the professor and he got a letter grade above what he deserved.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
A Whole Bunch A Quizzes
I was bored and took some online quizzes:
How smart are u? |
a fart ur as smart as a fart |
How manly are you? |
Man Man You are the man that everyone wants to be. Your hench body and the girls surrounding you gives off all the right manly vibes. You'd love a sports car and the |
Do people secretly hate you? |
Self Doubter The question is-do you really even like yourself? Other people would like to get to know you more but your lack of self confidence can get in the way. Get out there! |
What Semi-Obscure Simpsons Character Are You? |
The Bumblebee ManDios mio! No es bueno! You get smooshed by a giant baseball, everyone laughs. You get pinched by a lobster, everyone laughs. Sadly, what everyone believes to be an aptitude for slapstick comedy is just really bad luck on your part. |
Can Chuck Norris kill you? |
Why bother? You aren't worth the time it would take for Chuck to bury your body...go cower in a corner you waste of space! |
Right Brain vs. Left Brain Creativity Test |
You are left brained. Left brained people are logical, and detailed oriented. They are good with words and language. Left brainers have excellent memory skills, and are good with order/pattern perception. |
Could you pass the U.S. Citizenship test? |
You answered 95% of the questions correctly. Welcome to the United States, but please visit the local library and brush up on your U.S. history. |
Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader? |
Smarter than a 5th grader! Well done! You are brighter than a big box of crayons! |
Classic IQ Test Results |
Your IQ117 |
Instant IQ Test |
Your IQ is 112.8 Bright. Above Average |
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Vantage Point was Pretty Good
I just finished watching the movie Vantage Point. I was really good. I got it out of the RedBox at Hannafords today. It took a little bit to get used to the style of the movie because it keeps rewinding the time like five minutes and showing a different person's point of view of what happened. It is interesting though because the actual story is of the movie is only like 12 minutes long. They keep showing a different persons perspective of parts the story. Really interesting movie. The are a lot surprises in this movie. A really good thriller.
New Futurama Movie Not As Good As Previous One
I watched the new Futurama movie, The Beast with a Billion Backs, last night. It was good. It was good if you loved the show. I think its only good if you loved the show, which I did. This one picked up right where the last one left off. Although didn't think it was as good as the last movie. The plot was kind-of slow and a little weak. There were many subtle things in the movie for true fans little inside jokes that were in the old episodes of the show, but definitely not as many inside jokes as the last movie.
Monday, June 30, 2008
I Got an A in Public Soeaking, Futurama, Calc Sucks
Oh Jeffrey, I guess you earned something like an A plus; BUT we don’t add the “plus” at WSC. I thought grades were public by now. You did an amazing job and were such a positive energizer; thank you so much. Weird is good.
That was sweet.
The new Futurama DVD came I the mail today. I'm watching it now. It's pretty good.
I studied for my Calc final for several hours today. Calc is a bitch. My final is Wednesday. I have to get a at least 67 on it to get a 70 in the class. I'm going to go into school to get help from the math lab.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Yet Another Article on Carlin
That quote is awesome. I love the comparison to jazz.“Richard Pryor, roughly [George] Carlin’s peer, employed four letter words as percussion; he swore like angry jazz.”
Yard Saleing, Calculus, and Carlin on SNL
When we got home I checked my email and I got a 93 on my 5th and last Calculus quiz. My current average in the class is a 73 I think. I figured it it out mathematically and if I can get at least a 67 on the final I will get a 70 in the class. I have to have at least a 70, so I hope I get that. I really really don't want to take the class for a third time.
To honor George Carlin NBC is replaying the first episode of Saturday Night Live, which he hosted in 1975. Although back then it was only called Saturday Night. It's really interesting. Some of the sketches are weird. Some sketches aren't that funny. But you can definitely tell how revolutionary the show was at the time. It seems so awesome that Carlin hosted the first episode of SNL. He and SNL are so important to modern comedy and modern comedy would never have been the same without either. They both radically changed comedy forever.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Reggie and the Full Effect Announced Their Last Tour
Less Than Jake Played Newbury Comics (and I was there)
Today I saw Less than Jake at Newbury Comics in Leominster. They played a free acoustic set and did a met & greet. They were pretty good. I was a few minutes late though so I couldn't really find a really good spot to stand to see them. Their were like fifteen kids there who were between the ages of say 9 and 12. That was weird. They started playing at 5pm and they were doing a concert at the Palladium in Worcester at 7pm, so they had to hurry at Newbury Comics. They only played like 4 , maybe 5 songs. The weird thing was they are a five piece band and only two of them played. All the members of the band were there, they just didn't play. Their horn player taped the whole show on a camcorder and he said he'd post it online. After they stopped playing the did a meet and greet and signing. A few kids asked them to sign the arm which I thought was really really dumb. The band agreed. I saw like 3 or 4 kids ask for the band to sign their arm and the band refused every time I saw. I had them sign the booklet for their album Losing Streak, which is the only album of theirs own. I almost bought their new album GNV FLA, thats just came out, but didn't.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
I made the Dean's List and CALC SUCKS
Well I get a big certificate in the mail, I made the Dean's list for the Spring Semester. Mom keeps hanging it in the fridge, I keep taking it down. I really don't find it that important.
I was trying to do my Calc earlier and I am very lost, really lost. I am going to go into school tomorrow and get help. I am really hating Calculus!!!! The teacher's notes are so incredibly horrible it baffles me. I really don't like this guy.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
I Went to the Cape Today
I went to Cape Cod today with my family. It was OK. Me, Bun, Jen and Ma went shopping and such and dad and Grampy went fishing at on the Canal. I got Meet the Fockers on DVD and The Royal Tenenbaums on VHS at this crappy thrift store that smells. I also got a CD by The Sleeping at a Salvation Army. In the new issue of AP it said Sebastian Bach played a set with them at Bamboozle, that's weird. That one always has cool stuff you wouldn't expect to see in a thrift store. When we finished shopping we went back and watched Pa and Gramps fish. My dad caught a 30" fish and a shark that was about 21". It started to rain when they were finishing raining. Then it started to rain hard, really hard. Grampy jumped in the truck, dad didn't. He just sat out there. After a couple minutes Grampy gave dad his raincoat, but he was already pretty wet. When it stopped raining he packed his stuff up and got in the van. On the way home me and mom went into Wal*Mart to buy dad some shorts because the raincoat didn't cover his lower half and he was completely saturated. I read some more of I Am America (And So Can You). I am now on page 184 of 227. It has taken me since Christmas to get that far.
Wipeout is Dumb
I'm watching the new show Wipeout on ABC. This show is wicked dumb. It is a total rip off of shows like MXC: Most Extreme Elimination Challenge, but it isn't really funny at all. It is extremely similar to MXC, but that show is funny. The hosts on this show suck, they aren't funny or creative at all. The contestants are really dumb. Most of them are extremely out of shape, which usually would be funny, but this show sucks. I should turn the channel, but you know I won't.
Monday, June 23, 2008
I Will Never be Able to See George Carlin
CRAP!!!!! I was going to go see George Carlin on July 24 at the Hampton Casino Ballroom, but he died yesterday. That sucks!!!! I've wanted to see him for so so long. I almost saw him in Boston in April, but ended up not going. Then I was going to see him in Worcester in May, but I ended up going to see Zach Galifianakis that night. Now I can't see him. He is one of the greatest comics of all time. He was a comedic hero. An article I read about him earlier called him "Lenny Bruce with a sense of humor." (If you don't know who Lenny Bruce is click here). I really liked that. Now obviously Lenny Bruce had a sense of humor, he was an extremely important stand-up and comedy would be very different today without him. A lot of people consider Carlin to be Lenny Bruce's successor, as he died in 1966 and they are both very similar. Comedy Central ranked him #2 on their list of the 100 Greatest Stand-Up Comics of All-time, #1 was Richard Pryor and #3 was Lenny Bruce. I am sad, not just because I can't see him, but because he died. George Carlin will be greatly missed.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
I Bought a Nintendo Game Cube, Jen had Fun at Park, I want to see Be Kind Rewind
So I went yard saleing today and bought a Nintendo GameCube. I paid just $15 for a Nintendo GameCube, a controller, a wireless controller, a bag for it, and the game Super Smash Brothers Malee. It was good. I played it for a while when I got home. It was fun, but after like two hours I realized it would be a lot more fun to play if I had more friends. Sunday morning I am going to the flea market, it should be fun.
Yesterday me and Jen and Jessie hung out for a while. We went to the playground, then Burger King, then another playground. It was fun. Jen had a lot of fun. It was nice to get here out to have fun. I told Jessie we have to take her to Davis's Farmland sometime.
Yesterday me and Jessie went to get the movie Be Kind Rewind out of the RedBox, but it wasn't in there. I was sad. I was there again today and checked and it wasn't there still.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Ocean's 13 was Pretty Good!!!
I just finished watching the movie Ocean's 13. It was pretty good. If you liked the first two in this series or really any movies in this , you'll like this movie. Definitely better than Ocean's 12. (I didn't like Ocean's 12). WARNING THE FOLLOWING MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS, BE PREPARED. The new additions to the cast in this one were interesting. I like Eddie Izzard, but I don't know, I just didn't love his character. Al Pacino was awesome as Billy Bank, as was expected. The heist in this one was...different. The main point of it was to kind-of rig all the games so a lot of patrons would each will a multi-million dollar prize. It was cool and interesting how on the major ways they did that was by using a huge underground drill to fake an earthquake. The heist wasn't really about the payoff, it was about fucking with the hotel because the owner screwed their very good friend. Overall, the movie was pretty good.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
I really want to see George Carlin
I really want to go to George Carlin at the Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom on 7/24. Tickets are $36, which is less than the $50 tickets for his show in Worcester in May. I've wanted to see him for a while. The only thing is I don't know yet what the added "fees" will be. There are always added fees that you don't see until you buy tickets. Except, tickets aren't on sale until this Friday. It's also the day after Warped Tour. You can check out the show at http://www.casinoballroom.com/event-detail.php?event=227.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
My Calc Teacher Sucks
Mom had been bitching at me for a couple weeks to email my Calculus teacher for help and I kept telling her he won't. She kept saying that he has to offer some kind of help. I finally emailed my teacher today and asked if we could maybe meet, possible at WooState, for some help. He responded and said he's retired and no where near Worcester. I was actually surprised my that response. My mother's mouth dropped.
Why does no one ever comment on my posts??? I know not many people read this, but come on, at least three people must. COMMENT ON MY POST, PLEASE!!!!! It isn't hard.
Hot Fuzz was Funny
Earlier me and Jen watched the movie Hot Fuzz. It was really good. I didn't think I'd like it that much, but it was really good. It was funny in the same why Shaun of the Dead was. There were very little real, traditional jokes. The script was really funny. Jen liked it to, he likes violence. In the beginning of the movie I started eating some Goldfish, I offered Jen a couple. Jen apparently now likes Goldfish, she ate a lot of it.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Calc Sucks & Stupid Teens love AP
UGH I HATE CALCULUS!!!! The teacher for my online Calc I class I'm taking posted horrible notes online and we are supposed to learn Calculus ourselves from his notes and the book. He keeps saying to use the math computer programs Maple and Converge. However, he never really goes into much detail on how to use these programs. He relies way to much on these programs. If someone takes his online Calc I class and then tries to take Calc II in a real classroom they'd be screwed. I have to take Calc II so I'm hoping I do OK. I sent a message to Jill P. to see if she could help me tomorrow. She didn't respond yet. I'm really really hoping she will help me. I tried calling her house at like 7:30 but she wasn't home.
I had an issue of Alternative Press for sale on eBay. I listed it for $.99. It just ended at $10. These people are crazy. The issue got 18 bids. Why do people pay so much for issues of AP? I've sold issue for $15 and $20. Why? I get a year subscription of AP every year at warped tour. I've sold most of the issues I have. I am making a huge profit on these issues of AP. With the sale of this issue I have enough to buy a new two-year subscription of AP. Most of the high bidders on my AP issues are teenagers, who 9 times out of 10 only buy it because their favorite band is on the cover.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Power of Attorney
His costume really isn't that good, but nice effort. I love the idea. I mean any effort at a Harvey Birdman costume is right by me.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Today was OK, Birthday OK, This movie isn't that Good
Today was my birthday. Today was ok. I ate lunch at Val's for like 3 hours. That was boring. My mom gave me a card. Bun & Grampy gave me a card. Jessie gave me a card. She also gave me the Stooges glass from Newbury Comics I wanted. I just told her I had wanted that like four days ago. I had a feeling she'd buy me the glass. She also gave me the Blue Brother's 25th Anniversary edition DVD, which I told her I was going to buy. Haha. After eating at Val's we came hour shortly. While we were home mom said she wanted to put the air conditioner in. She said she wanted to put it in my room. Its a new one gram gave us. It even has a remote. Then went to Jill's Graduation Party, we were there for like an hour and a half or so then I had to leave to bring Jessie to work. On the way to bringing Jessie to work I was thinking about calling Abiola. I had messaged her online and asked if she wanted to hang out sometime, she called me yesterday and asked if I wanted to today. I told her I'd probably be busy today. After I dropped Jessie off I parked and called Abiola. She said she couldn't today, she was cleaning. Apparently she had a party yesterday, because she graduated yesterday. She said we could hang out tomorrow and to call her in the morning. I don't know I've heard that before and we didn't hang out. I hope we do though. Usually I only like to hang out with her if we are in a group, she never shuts up and if other people are around she shuts up more. After I got off the phone with Abiola I drove back to Jill's party. We stayed there another like forty five minutes. Then we came home. I cleaned my room some. I cleaned up my desk and floor some. I finally hung the Piebald poster in my room. I hung about the art print Tom gave me. I also moved some stuff on my bulletin board around. I also found the small dreamcatcher, which I used to really like, in my closet and hung above the DVD stand by my window.
Right now I'm watching the movie Yours, Mine, & Ours. Don't judge, There wasn't really much else on TV. The movie really isn't that good. The beginning was stupid. The speed of the parents relationship was way to fast. They dated for like two days then he proposed. They went to High School together. They movie didn't really get OK until like an hour in. It's really predictable though. It has an interesting cast.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
It's HOT and Weezer is Awesome
OH. MY. GOD. I AM HOT!!!! I of course mean temperature wise, not attractiveness wise. Today is so insanely hot. I'm sitting in my room with both my windows open and my ceiling fan on and it feels like its 102 in here. The heat is making me really tired.
I finally watched the second disc of the third and final volume of Harvey Birdman. Its been sitting on my desk for like three weeks. I also read like thirty pages of I Am America (and so can you) by Stephen Colbert while yard saleing today, that's a lot pages for one day for me (I don't read).
For some reason joined the Weezer Online Street Team: Our Name is Jonas. I've been really starting to like them though. Well they have this awesome new video for their song "Pork & Beans". The video is hilarious, really. It stars some of the biggest stars of YouTube. You can see their video by clicking either of the two banners below.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Doktor CocacolaMcdonalds SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!
Hahahahaha!!! I'm watching Last Comic Standing and they were counting down their 10 worst auditions and they voted Doktor CocacolaMcdonalds their 4th worst. Hahahahaha!!! I love it. When I went to the Alt Comedy Festival a few weeks ago and he was there and he was horrible. He was just really stupid. Below is a video clip of him at the Alt Comedy Festival.
Wonder Bitch
This poor dog. My mom dresses our dogs in costumes at Halloween, but I'd kill her if she ever put one of our goods in this.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Seth has a new Challenger on Yo Gabba Gabba!
It looks like Seth has a new Challenger on Yo Gabba Gabba! Julia is quite the young dancer, but I still think Seth beats her. This show is awesome! I am refeering to Yo Gabba Gabba! not The Soup, although that is good too. I watched the last couple minutes of Yo Gabba Gabba! yesterday morning, that show is funny.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Inventor of the Pringles Can Buried in One
This morning I was reading online that the inventor of the Pringles can died recently. His family cremated him and buried him in a Pringles can. That isn't some kind of sick joke. It is actually true. Apparently he told his family a couple years ago that when he died that is what he wanted to happen to him. Is that not just awesome? That is my new favorite story.
My Public Speaking Teacher is Cool and 30 Days is a Good Show
My Public Speaking class ended on Friday. I sent my teacher an email on Sunday to say how much I liked her class and her. She sent me a reply this morning it said:
Thanks Jeffrey, and you are definitely one of my favorites. Weird is good as we both know.
That was nice. The weird comment is in reference to all the times in class I stated I was weird, haha.
The new season of the show 30 days started tonight. I am really starting to like this show a lot. I think it is a very important show. I know that sounds dumb, but it is a fun show that is funny at times but it can also be deep. Last week I watched an episode where a guy who is a computer programmer who lost his job to outsourcing to India. He went to India for thirty days to work there to see why all the jobs are being sent there. It is really interesting seeing how all the people in India think about outsourcing. After that I watched an episode where a Christian guy from the Mid-West who believes that homosexuality is immoral was sent to live with a gay man in the Castro district of San Francisco, which is literally the gayest place on earth. Tonight is the season premiere and show creator Morgan Spurlock is working as a coal miner for 30 days. It is sad how there are so many different ways for these guys to die underground. Their wives freak out if their they are only a couple minutes late. The percentage of coal miner who get black lung is sad, almost all of them get some degree of it. The guy Morgan Spurlock was staying with was tested for Black Lung seven years ago and was negative. He claimed he was still healthy. Morgan Spurlock challenged him to get another test with him at the end of the month. They both got tested. Morgan Spurlock was negative, he had no signs of Black Lung, probably because he was only in the mines for 30 days. The other guy wasn't as lucky. He wasn't as healthy as he claimed. He had small particles of dust in each lung, which means he is in the starting of Black Lung. It was sad.
National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets and Strange Wilderness were OK
Over the weekend I rented National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets. It was ok. It definitely weren't as good the first one. The plot definitely wasn't as strong or exciting as the first. I'll give it a B-.
Last weekend, as in the weekend before the one that just ended, I rented the movie Strange Wilderness and I was disappointed. I'd wanted to see it since it was released in theatres. I almost went to see it in January with Abiola, but of course we didn't go because she is a turd. It really wasn't as funny as I thought it would be. A lot of the jokes were weak. All and all I'd give it a C+.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
I got Straight A's!!!!!!!!
So I finally got my grades for the spring semester that just ended. I got four A's and an A-. My mom keeps calling everyone to tell them. It just annoys me because when I was in high school she would complain if I didn't get straight A's. When I started college I told her I would not tell her any of my grades and that she needed to learn to be a hell of a lot lax about my grades because I was doing my best. But it does make me happy I got all A's. I love how I got an A in Digital Computer Organization, because I never really learned petty much anything in that class.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
This video is wicked creepy
That video is so creepy. It is like an instruction manual for pedophiles. The scene where the old guy is touching the kid's penis is just so awkward and creepy. I don't know what this is from, but wow was it creepy.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Nothing is on TV
There is nothing on TV, so I started to watch the American Idol finally. Oh my god, Mike Myer's cameo was awesome. He was so funny. I really hope David Cook wins. They are both good, but David A. (I can't spell his last name) is just to inexperienced and fresh faced. David Cook's performances are always unique and always very clean. I think he is the more talented of the two.
People Need to Learn it is Ok if Someone Disagree's with You
A few minutes ago was in a group on Facebook called Help US!! just looking at it. There was a thread in the discussion board in the group entitled: Atheists, Give me ONE LOGICAL reason to think that God doesn't exist!
(click that text to see the thread). Just from the title of the thread and some of the stuff people were saying in it I became really annoyed. The group had nothing at all to do with religion or God. I joined the group just so I could pot my our opinions in the tread. Below is my post in this thread:I'm not necessarily saying I'm an Atheist, can any of you give one LOGICAL reason God does exist. Aside from your beliefs and the reasons you believe things happen, give just one LOGICAL reason that proves he does exist. Can you actually prove Jesus exist?? How about any story in the Bible?? It is all just a series of myths!
I don't care what anyone believes. Believe whatever the hell you want. Just don't try to push your beliefs on me. Why did you even have to start this thread. Does it really matter if an atheist can or can't prove logically God doesn't exist? Why can't you people just worry about yourself and not care if someone else doesn't agree with you. That's life not everyone is going to agree with you. DEAL WITH IT!!!!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Public Speaking May Not Be That Bad
My first real day of my Public Speaking summer class was today. It was pretty easy. It seems like it will be an easy and fun class. I like the teacher. There is only 9 of us in the class and they are all pretty cool. This could be an interesting class. We have to give 5 speeches and there is fur quizzes. Including today the entire class is only eight days long. My online Calc 1 class starts tomorrow. I'm told that class is really easy as well. I heard that teacher is really easy. And I have all my old notes from my Calc 1 last fall.
Last Comic Standing at Hanover Theatre
I just found out the Last Comic Standing is coming to the Hanover Theatre in Worcester this year. I have loved this show since it first premiered, mainly because I love comedy. I can't wait for the new season to start this Thursday. After each season of the show the finalist all go on a national tour, much like American Idol. Except unlike American Idol, Last Comic Standing is a good show. This year the tour is coming to Worcester this November. The show hasn't even started yet, we don't even have an idea who the finalists will be, and I already want to go to this. The finalist are always really funny and talented comedians.
Monday, May 19, 2008
I Signed-Up to be a Warped Street Teamer...
I signed up to be a street teamer at Warped Tour. I saw a something about it on the Warped website and I figured what the hell. They are mostly looking for help with all the record company booths. I sent them all my information. It could be fun. I saw something a couple months ago about traveling the entire Warped Tour with the Truth bus. I'm not some kid of activist about cigarettes, but I thought it could be interesting. I was going to sign-up but then I decided against it because of Jessie, I figured she wouldn't be happy if I went. Then not long after I decided it would be fun to go and Jessie would live. But I couldn't find the sign-up info again. Now every now and then I see stuff online about working at Warped Tour. I finally signed up. It still would have been cool to travel with the Truth bus though. I would have met so many cool people and they fed you and put you in a hotel everywhere. I would have been a lot of fun.
I think I'm going to rent a movie this weekend. I either want to get the National Treasure sequel or Strange Wilderness. Both come out tomorrow. I'll probably get the movie out of the RedBox at Hannafords. I'll probably get whichever is in there because I'm pretty sure it only contain one copy of each movie.
I'm going to try to update this more often now, so check back often.
< i > THIS IS FUNNY< /i >
No Summer Class = Dr. Tran
My Public Speaking summer class started today. The teacher never showed up though. The secretary came in after 20 minutes and said the teacher had scheduled a meeting with the college president and the same time as class and isn't coming. I have posted theHere Comes Dr. Tran video below. It is funny.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
OH. MY. GOD!!!!! I just finished watching the movie Untraceable. That movie was amazing!!!! Holy crap, it was awesome for me. It involved crazy technology and insane suspense with a crazy psychotic killer. That movie was really good. I don't it get good reviews. In fact I just looked up some reviews, many of the newspaper I read pretty much called it awful. I don't agree it was so so good. I loved it. Clark Collis, from Entertainment Weekly, said "...after a much-too-early reveal of the murderer's identity, the 'low battery' signal starts to flash on this film...". That is the only review I agreed with. The killer's identity was revealed way to early. But I don't think we it really drew that much away from the story. We find out what the killer looks like, but that's it. We don't find out how is until the end. Some online user reviews said the gore and disturbing content were inappropriate for the film and the movie would have been better with less of them. I don't agree. The disturbing stuff is what keeps you on the edge of your seat. I loved the background story of the killer. I loved how all the victims were tied together in the end. It was genius. It really makes you think, of all the crazy disturbing shit online, could someone just snap because of it. Not because they are desensitized, but because they knew someone in one of the disturbing videos online. I really want to elaborate on that more, but if I say more it may ruin the end for anyone who hasn't seen it. I loved Diane Lane as the main character. Anyone else in that role wouldn't have worked as well or made the character what it was. I'm not positive if I loved the actual ending. I loved the ending, its just the last like 10 seconds I'm unsure about. It just ends. I think they should have added at least 2 minutes after what happened in the end, just to wrap it up and show Diane Lane's character back at the FBI. However, the way the movie ends keeps your heart pounding and doesn't let you calm down. Sometimes movies that end like that just adds to the suspense. I don't know. I guess I liked the ending, but I still think they should have added about two minutes. I think everyone reads this should rent this movie though and decide if you like this for yourself. I have included the trailer for the film below. Now I know the only person who reads this is Jessie, so Jessie you should see this.
Yard Saleing and Jen was a Good Girl at Target
I went yard saleing this morning and Jessie came. There wasn't many yard sales. Mom said yesterday we were going to leave this morning at 7:45, but she never woke me up. She just left. She called me at 8:20 and said they were on their way to pick up Jessie and asked if I was coming. I freaked out and said yes. they said they'd come back after they get Jessie to get me. I got dressed and was completely ready to go in about 10 minutes. They didn't come back to get me until about 9:16. We only yard saled until about 11:15. Me and Jessie hung out and watched Jen. Then I had to bring Jessie at work. Jen and I went for a ride to bring Jessie to work. Jessie works at Target. Jen and I roamed target for about and hour. Jen was very good. She enjoyed just walking around the store. I was proud of here because she looked at the DVDs and didn't cry when I said she couldn't buy one. She picked up a couple DVDs, I said no, ad she put it back and waved bye to it. It was funny. I bought her a ball to play with in the yard. Then we went to Best Buy. Jen was really good there. Then we went to Hannaford's and I got the DVD Untraceable from the Red Box, I'm watching it now.
Tomorrow I'm going to sell stuff at the Flea Market. I'm leaving at 4:45 am. Ugh.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Last Final and Cleaned Room
Today was my last final for the Spring semester. However, I don't have too much free time because I'm taking two summer classes, Public Speaking and Calculus I, that both start on next Monday May 19. The Public Speaking class is 9 am to 1 pm Monday through Friday, May 19 through May 30. That class will be fun because it is only for two weeks. I was talking to someone who is taking the Public Speaking class with me and he said their are only six of us in the class. The other class is online and I think ends July 1.
The final I had today was in my Digital Computer Organization and it was so stupidly easy today. We could use our book, notes and computer on the final. First, the first question was straight out of the book and the book gave the answer as well. Next, the answers to questions 2 & 3 could be found easy by plugging the questions into a program on the computer. Next, their were 10 multiple choose questions. The teacher must have photocopied the wrong sheet of questions, he had the answers under each question. After that there was a very easy question about the stack. I probably got a hundred, if not a then 95. The test started at 12:30 and we had until 3:30. We were all done by 1:10. I suggested we all go to lunch. Pedro, Johny, me, and that kid whose name I ever remember all went to Blue Jeans Pizza on Park Ave in Worcester. We got Pizza from them for our annual end-of-semester party last Monday. They make good pizza. While eating today we decided we are going to change our annual end-of-semester party from being the end of every year to be the end of every semester.
Today I cleaned my room. It isn't perfect, but it's pretty good. It is more organized. I also finally hung the Jim Morrison tapestry I got at a yard sale last summer. I hung it on the back of my door. I organized all my eBay stuff. I now have a cabinet of stuff that needs to be put on eBay and cardboard box of stuff that needs to be put on. I also have a box of stuff that is on eBay now. There is now also a box of stuff that I either is for the yard sale/flea market, I have listed already on eBay and it didn't sell or I don't even want to try to list it on eBay. I also organized my packaging stuff. I also finally got rid of the two boxes of diapers in my room. I put the bags of diapers that were in each box in two trash bags and keep the boxes. I also cleaned my desk and floor. My room looks pretty good.
Tomorrow me and mom are going shopping at Bobs and Kohl's. I need some shorts and a new pair of shoes.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Awesome Universal Remote
I don't know why I'm writing in here, I should be finishing my take home final for my Technology, Public Policy and Urban Society class. Earlier I searched Google for a universal TV remote. I was curious about universal TV remotes that don't need to be programmed, they just work on any TV automatically. I saw a few but didn't really love them. I really want one so I can control the TV where ever I am, especially at school. The TVs in the Living Room at school get like 125 channels and have no remotes. It is really annoying trying to get to the channel I wanted. Most of the remotes I found didn't have a number key pad. Then I found one that did, and really liked it. I saw it on several sites, that all said how good it is. Best of all it is really cheap, only $4.61, with free shipping. I think I'm going to buy it, but I didn't yet. Click the picture of it above to go to the website to see it.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Nathanial Loves to Dance on Yo Gabba Gabba
I saw this online and figured I should post it. This kid is the hilarious. I saw this clip like last August when it was on TV first.
I keep hearing about the TV Yo Gabba Gabba. Yesterday I finally saw it, it was ridiculous and awesome. I actually enjoyed it though.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Weird Penguin Sign
Is running over penguins really that big of an issue at Table Mountain National Park. I love the graphic in the lower left corner, it looks like that penguin just lost his best friend.
Talking Cats are Hilarious
Talking cats are awesome. This video is wicked funny. The last cat is so funny.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Crazy Peeing Doll
This is doll looks to wrong.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Sucky Yard Sale, Went Shopping, Sweet Party
We were going to have a yard sale today but it rain. But did that stop us no. It rained off and on all day and we still had a yard sale in the drive way from 8 am to about 1 pm. We were all wet, all our stuff got wet. It wasn't fun.
I had to give Jessie a ride to work at 6. She works at Target now. While in Target I was going to shop for new shorts. I found 1 pair of shorts, I found another pair but it wasn't in my size. I also bought myself Volumes 1 & 2 of Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law, I was looking at it for like 10 minutes and I was like, aw hell I'll just buy them. Then I bought some balloons for the party I'm having in school on Monday (I'll discuss that in a minute). Then I went to Kohl's and shopped there for shorts I found a cool pair, and when I got home mom even said she likes them. Then when I got home later I bought Volume three of Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law of Williams Street web store.
On Monday me and my friends are throwing a surprise party at school. We are throwing the party during our last class. The teacher doesn't know. We are going to set it all up in the hour before class. We are going to have balloons, ice cream cake, soda, and pizza. It will be fun. I hope the teacher enjoys it. Also Monday is Cinco de Mayo, which makes the party that much cooler!!!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
The Funniest Valedictorian Speech Ever!!!!!
This kid gives by far the funniest valedictorian speech of all time. That was awesome. Genius!!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
This should be the two best days ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I drove through sketchy parts of Brighton and met a kid in a parking lot Monday who sold be two tickets to Piebald's show this Saturday 4/19. The show is sold out. I was thinking about going all year, but never bought tickets. Then a couple weeks the show sold out and I've been freaking out since. Now I have tickets to both Friday and Saturday, which are Piebald's last two shows ever!!! I can't wait!!!!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Thursday, April 3, 2008
My new voice-mail message
I changed the voice-mail greeting on my cell phone. I stole it off of Seinfeld. My new message is me sing the following song:
"Believe it or not, I can't answer the phone
Please leave a message after the beep
I must be unavailable, or I'd answer the phone
Where could I be?
Believe it or not I'm not here!"
I say that on Seinfeld. It was George's message on his answering machine. I had to use it. And I felt like sharing that on here.