Wednesday, December 24, 2008


So yesterday I broke up with Jessie. I just couldn't deal with her anymore. I always knew we wouldn't last. I knew for a long time that I would eventually snap and break up with her. Well I snapped! It feels a little weird. It feels like I have this little whole in me now, but at the same time it feels like a 2000 lb has been lifted off me. It feels right. When she was fun she was really fun, but when she wasn't she was unbearable. It just isn't worth it. She is just so immature and irresponsible and is always constantly pissing me off and hurting me. If I could find someone that had just some of the good qualities she had and none of the bad that would be amazing and I am sure I could find someone. I am no lady's man, I am no charmer, but I think I could do better.

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