Monday, May 12, 2008

Awesome Universal Remote


  I don't know why I'm writing in here, I should be finishing my take home final for my Technology, Public Policy and Urban Society class.  Earlier I searched Google for a universal TV remote.  I was curious about universal TV remotes that don't need to be programmed, they just work on any TV automatically.  I saw a few but didn't really love them.  I really want one so I can control the TV where ever I am, especially at school.  The TVs in the Living Room at school get like 125 channels and have no remotes.  It is really annoying trying to get to the channel I wanted.  Most of the remotes I found didn't have a number key pad.  Then I found one that did, and really liked it.  I saw it on several sites, that all said how good it is.  Best of all it is really cheap, only $4.61, with free shipping. I think I'm going to buy it, but I didn't yet.  Click the picture of it above to go to the website to see it.


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