Wednesday, May 21, 2008

People Need to Learn it is Ok if Someone Disagree's with You

    A few minutes ago was in a group on Facebook called Help US!! just looking at it.  There was a thread in the discussion board in the group entitled: Atheists, Give me ONE LOGICAL reason to think that God doesn't exist! (click that text to see the thread).  Just from the title of the thread and some of the stuff people were saying in it I became really annoyed.  The group had nothing at all to do with religion or God.  I joined the group just so I could pot my our opinions in the tread.  Below is my post in this thread:

I'm not necessarily saying I'm an Atheist, can any of you give one LOGICAL reason God does exist. Aside from your beliefs and the reasons you believe things happen, give just one LOGICAL reason that proves he does exist. Can you actually prove Jesus exist?? How about any story in the Bible?? It is all just a series of myths!

I don't care what anyone believes. Believe whatever the hell you want. Just don't try to push your beliefs on me. Why did you even have to start this thread. Does it really matter if an atheist can or can't prove logically God doesn't exist? Why can't you people just worry about yourself and not care if someone else doesn't agree with you. That's life not everyone is going to agree with you. DEAL WITH IT!!!! 

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