So I finally got my grades for the spring semester that just ended. I got four A's and an A-. My mom keeps calling everyone to tell them. It just annoys me because when I was in high school she would complain if I didn't get straight A's. When I started college I told her I would not tell her any of my grades and that she needed to learn to be a hell of a lot lax about my grades because I was doing my best. But it does make me happy I got all A's. I love how I got an A in Digital Computer Organization, because I never really learned petty much anything in that class.
My life really isn't interesting. I know no one reads this. I don't even know why I set it up and write in it.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
This video is wicked creepy
That video is so creepy. It is like an instruction manual for pedophiles. The scene where the old guy is touching the kid's penis is just so awkward and creepy. I don't know what this is from, but wow was it creepy.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Nothing is on TV
There is nothing on TV, so I started to watch the American Idol finally. Oh my god, Mike Myer's cameo was awesome. He was so funny. I really hope David Cook wins. They are both good, but David A. (I can't spell his last name) is just to inexperienced and fresh faced. David Cook's performances are always unique and always very clean. I think he is the more talented of the two.
People Need to Learn it is Ok if Someone Disagree's with You
A few minutes ago was in a group on Facebook called Help US!! just looking at it. There was a thread in the discussion board in the group entitled: Atheists, Give me ONE LOGICAL reason to think that God doesn't exist!
(click that text to see the thread). Just from the title of the thread and some of the stuff people were saying in it I became really annoyed. The group had nothing at all to do with religion or God. I joined the group just so I could pot my our opinions in the tread. Below is my post in this thread:I'm not necessarily saying I'm an Atheist, can any of you give one LOGICAL reason God does exist. Aside from your beliefs and the reasons you believe things happen, give just one LOGICAL reason that proves he does exist. Can you actually prove Jesus exist?? How about any story in the Bible?? It is all just a series of myths!
I don't care what anyone believes. Believe whatever the hell you want. Just don't try to push your beliefs on me. Why did you even have to start this thread. Does it really matter if an atheist can or can't prove logically God doesn't exist? Why can't you people just worry about yourself and not care if someone else doesn't agree with you. That's life not everyone is going to agree with you. DEAL WITH IT!!!!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Public Speaking May Not Be That Bad
My first real day of my Public Speaking summer class was today. It was pretty easy. It seems like it will be an easy and fun class. I like the teacher. There is only 9 of us in the class and they are all pretty cool. This could be an interesting class. We have to give 5 speeches and there is fur quizzes. Including today the entire class is only eight days long. My online Calc 1 class starts tomorrow. I'm told that class is really easy as well. I heard that teacher is really easy. And I have all my old notes from my Calc 1 last fall.
Last Comic Standing at Hanover Theatre
I just found out the Last Comic Standing is coming to the Hanover Theatre in Worcester this year. I have loved this show since it first premiered, mainly because I love comedy. I can't wait for the new season to start this Thursday. After each season of the show the finalist all go on a national tour, much like American Idol. Except unlike American Idol, Last Comic Standing is a good show. This year the tour is coming to Worcester this November. The show hasn't even started yet, we don't even have an idea who the finalists will be, and I already want to go to this. The finalist are always really funny and talented comedians.
Monday, May 19, 2008
I Signed-Up to be a Warped Street Teamer...
I signed up to be a street teamer at Warped Tour. I saw a something about it on the Warped website and I figured what the hell. They are mostly looking for help with all the record company booths. I sent them all my information. It could be fun. I saw something a couple months ago about traveling the entire Warped Tour with the Truth bus. I'm not some kid of activist about cigarettes, but I thought it could be interesting. I was going to sign-up but then I decided against it because of Jessie, I figured she wouldn't be happy if I went. Then not long after I decided it would be fun to go and Jessie would live. But I couldn't find the sign-up info again. Now every now and then I see stuff online about working at Warped Tour. I finally signed up. It still would have been cool to travel with the Truth bus though. I would have met so many cool people and they fed you and put you in a hotel everywhere. I would have been a lot of fun.
I think I'm going to rent a movie this weekend. I either want to get the National Treasure sequel or Strange Wilderness. Both come out tomorrow. I'll probably get the movie out of the RedBox at Hannafords. I'll probably get whichever is in there because I'm pretty sure it only contain one copy of each movie.
I'm going to try to update this more often now, so check back often.
< i > THIS IS FUNNY< /i >
No Summer Class = Dr. Tran
My Public Speaking summer class started today. The teacher never showed up though. The secretary came in after 20 minutes and said the teacher had scheduled a meeting with the college president and the same time as class and isn't coming. I have posted theHere Comes Dr. Tran video below. It is funny.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
OH. MY. GOD!!!!! I just finished watching the movie Untraceable. That movie was amazing!!!! Holy crap, it was awesome for me. It involved crazy technology and insane suspense with a crazy psychotic killer. That movie was really good. I don't it get good reviews. In fact I just looked up some reviews, many of the newspaper I read pretty much called it awful. I don't agree it was so so good. I loved it. Clark Collis, from Entertainment Weekly, said "...after a much-too-early reveal of the murderer's identity, the 'low battery' signal starts to flash on this film...". That is the only review I agreed with. The killer's identity was revealed way to early. But I don't think we it really drew that much away from the story. We find out what the killer looks like, but that's it. We don't find out how is until the end. Some online user reviews said the gore and disturbing content were inappropriate for the film and the movie would have been better with less of them. I don't agree. The disturbing stuff is what keeps you on the edge of your seat. I loved the background story of the killer. I loved how all the victims were tied together in the end. It was genius. It really makes you think, of all the crazy disturbing shit online, could someone just snap because of it. Not because they are desensitized, but because they knew someone in one of the disturbing videos online. I really want to elaborate on that more, but if I say more it may ruin the end for anyone who hasn't seen it. I loved Diane Lane as the main character. Anyone else in that role wouldn't have worked as well or made the character what it was. I'm not positive if I loved the actual ending. I loved the ending, its just the last like 10 seconds I'm unsure about. It just ends. I think they should have added at least 2 minutes after what happened in the end, just to wrap it up and show Diane Lane's character back at the FBI. However, the way the movie ends keeps your heart pounding and doesn't let you calm down. Sometimes movies that end like that just adds to the suspense. I don't know. I guess I liked the ending, but I still think they should have added about two minutes. I think everyone reads this should rent this movie though and decide if you like this for yourself. I have included the trailer for the film below. Now I know the only person who reads this is Jessie, so Jessie you should see this.
Yard Saleing and Jen was a Good Girl at Target
I went yard saleing this morning and Jessie came. There wasn't many yard sales. Mom said yesterday we were going to leave this morning at 7:45, but she never woke me up. She just left. She called me at 8:20 and said they were on their way to pick up Jessie and asked if I was coming. I freaked out and said yes. they said they'd come back after they get Jessie to get me. I got dressed and was completely ready to go in about 10 minutes. They didn't come back to get me until about 9:16. We only yard saled until about 11:15. Me and Jessie hung out and watched Jen. Then I had to bring Jessie at work. Jen and I went for a ride to bring Jessie to work. Jessie works at Target. Jen and I roamed target for about and hour. Jen was very good. She enjoyed just walking around the store. I was proud of here because she looked at the DVDs and didn't cry when I said she couldn't buy one. She picked up a couple DVDs, I said no, ad she put it back and waved bye to it. It was funny. I bought her a ball to play with in the yard. Then we went to Best Buy. Jen was really good there. Then we went to Hannaford's and I got the DVD Untraceable from the Red Box, I'm watching it now.
Tomorrow I'm going to sell stuff at the Flea Market. I'm leaving at 4:45 am. Ugh.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Last Final and Cleaned Room
Today was my last final for the Spring semester. However, I don't have too much free time because I'm taking two summer classes, Public Speaking and Calculus I, that both start on next Monday May 19. The Public Speaking class is 9 am to 1 pm Monday through Friday, May 19 through May 30. That class will be fun because it is only for two weeks. I was talking to someone who is taking the Public Speaking class with me and he said their are only six of us in the class. The other class is online and I think ends July 1.
The final I had today was in my Digital Computer Organization and it was so stupidly easy today. We could use our book, notes and computer on the final. First, the first question was straight out of the book and the book gave the answer as well. Next, the answers to questions 2 & 3 could be found easy by plugging the questions into a program on the computer. Next, their were 10 multiple choose questions. The teacher must have photocopied the wrong sheet of questions, he had the answers under each question. After that there was a very easy question about the stack. I probably got a hundred, if not a then 95. The test started at 12:30 and we had until 3:30. We were all done by 1:10. I suggested we all go to lunch. Pedro, Johny, me, and that kid whose name I ever remember all went to Blue Jeans Pizza on Park Ave in Worcester. We got Pizza from them for our annual end-of-semester party last Monday. They make good pizza. While eating today we decided we are going to change our annual end-of-semester party from being the end of every year to be the end of every semester.
Today I cleaned my room. It isn't perfect, but it's pretty good. It is more organized. I also finally hung the Jim Morrison tapestry I got at a yard sale last summer. I hung it on the back of my door. I organized all my eBay stuff. I now have a cabinet of stuff that needs to be put on eBay and cardboard box of stuff that needs to be put on. I also have a box of stuff that is on eBay now. There is now also a box of stuff that I either is for the yard sale/flea market, I have listed already on eBay and it didn't sell or I don't even want to try to list it on eBay. I also organized my packaging stuff. I also finally got rid of the two boxes of diapers in my room. I put the bags of diapers that were in each box in two trash bags and keep the boxes. I also cleaned my desk and floor. My room looks pretty good.
Tomorrow me and mom are going shopping at Bobs and Kohl's. I need some shorts and a new pair of shoes.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Awesome Universal Remote
I don't know why I'm writing in here, I should be finishing my take home final for my Technology, Public Policy and Urban Society class. Earlier I searched Google for a universal TV remote. I was curious about universal TV remotes that don't need to be programmed, they just work on any TV automatically. I saw a few but didn't really love them. I really want one so I can control the TV where ever I am, especially at school. The TVs in the Living Room at school get like 125 channels and have no remotes. It is really annoying trying to get to the channel I wanted. Most of the remotes I found didn't have a number key pad. Then I found one that did, and really liked it. I saw it on several sites, that all said how good it is. Best of all it is really cheap, only $4.61, with free shipping. I think I'm going to buy it, but I didn't yet. Click the picture of it above to go to the website to see it.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Nathanial Loves to Dance on Yo Gabba Gabba
I saw this online and figured I should post it. This kid is the hilarious. I saw this clip like last August when it was on TV first.
I keep hearing about the TV Yo Gabba Gabba. Yesterday I finally saw it, it was ridiculous and awesome. I actually enjoyed it though.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Weird Penguin Sign
Is running over penguins really that big of an issue at Table Mountain National Park. I love the graphic in the lower left corner, it looks like that penguin just lost his best friend.
Talking Cats are Hilarious
Talking cats are awesome. This video is wicked funny. The last cat is so funny.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Crazy Peeing Doll
This is doll looks to wrong.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Sucky Yard Sale, Went Shopping, Sweet Party
We were going to have a yard sale today but it rain. But did that stop us no. It rained off and on all day and we still had a yard sale in the drive way from 8 am to about 1 pm. We were all wet, all our stuff got wet. It wasn't fun.
I had to give Jessie a ride to work at 6. She works at Target now. While in Target I was going to shop for new shorts. I found 1 pair of shorts, I found another pair but it wasn't in my size. I also bought myself Volumes 1 & 2 of Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law, I was looking at it for like 10 minutes and I was like, aw hell I'll just buy them. Then I bought some balloons for the party I'm having in school on Monday (I'll discuss that in a minute). Then I went to Kohl's and shopped there for shorts I found a cool pair, and when I got home mom even said she likes them. Then when I got home later I bought Volume three of Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law of Williams Street web store.
On Monday me and my friends are throwing a surprise party at school. We are throwing the party during our last class. The teacher doesn't know. We are going to set it all up in the hour before class. We are going to have balloons, ice cream cake, soda, and pizza. It will be fun. I hope the teacher enjoys it. Also Monday is Cinco de Mayo, which makes the party that much cooler!!!