Saturday, May 29, 2010

Mystery Team was a fairly good movie

I just finished watching the film Mystery Team.  I heard of this movie a couple months ago and thought Donald Glover was pretty funny so I had to see it.  It was alright.  Donald Glover carried the entire movie with help from Aubrey Plaza, the other two guys weren't funny.  There were a few actual funny people with actual careers in this movie, someone must have owed Donald Glover a favor.  D.C. Pierson's character seemed like a Napoleon Dynamite rip-off who thinks he is a know-it-all.  The little kid who's mom is a stripper is awesome.  The film was kind of dumb, what that was the point.  I kind of hope that these guys don't make another movie though.  I think Donald Glover should do movies, maybe even with Aubrey Plaza, but the rest of the guys aren't really that funny.  I give this one a 3 out of 5 stars.

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