Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Some Sad News, A Great Surprise and more Comedy

     Today after my first CS class, at 12:20, I walked into the Living Room in the Student Center and was very surprised and so happy because Strangers with Candy on the TV.  I was so happy.  I sat on the couch and started to watch it and became very sad because the show was ending.  The TV show is never on anymore and its really fun, I really miss it.  When I got home I checked the Guide on my TV and Comedy Central is playing it each day at noon.  Which makes me sad because I'm in class until 12:20 on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and until 12:45 on Tuesday and Thursday; so the most I'd be able to watch it like 7 minutes (because it takes 3 minutes to walk to the Student Center).  So now I'm sad because I can't watch it.
     I got an awesome surprise when I got home from school today.  I had preordered the new ATHF DVD and the book Adult Swim and Comedy on, but it wasn't supposed to arrive at my house until 2/6.  Well they came in the mail today.  I haven't watched the DVD or read the book yet, I'll probably due both this weekend.
     I found another comedy show I really want to go to.  Tearing the Veil of Maya Tour w/ Eugene Mirman, Michael Showalter & friends is coming to the Museum of Fine Art in Boston on 2/28.    Eugene Mirman is hilarious!!!  I would kill to see him live.  He is awesome!!!  I really want to go.

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