Thursday, January 31, 2008

Global Warming, Stupid Abiola and BREASTS!!!!!

    Today instead of having my Urban Studies and Tech Policy the whole class went to a seminar about Global Warming.  It was kind of interesting.  Apparently today is some kind of national day to discuss Global Warming.  Thousands of schools across the country are holding seminars today on Global Warming.  Most of it wasn't that interesting.  Yesterday was the student activates fair at school which I always love because all the clubs and organizations on campus give out free stuff in hopes you'll join their club or organization.  I LOVE free stuff.  Last semester the college radio station alone gave me a couple CDs, some sticks, a beer cozy, a Frisbee and something else (I forget what).  The radio station even at the fair yesterday, but MASSPIRG was.  They were one of the sponsors of the seminar today and the gave me the two wrist cuffs.  The are both the same thing.  I have been wearing the wrist cuff since.  The picture to the right is me wearing the wrist cuff on my left arm.
     So of course Abiola told me today she is working tomorrow.  She had told me before she wasn't, but she was wrong.  So now we aren't going to see the new movie Strange Wilderness tomorrow.  I really wanted to see it.  This is like the fifth time I have tried to make plans with her in the past like month and a half, and every single time she canceled at the last minute.  It's really annoying.
     The organization Keep a Breast was at warped tour last year and they were selling the below T-shirt really cheap.  They were also handing out free stickers and pins with the same logo as the shirt.  I considered getting a shirt, but didn't.  I wish I at least got a sticker or pin, but I didn't.  I got the new issue of AP (Alternative Press) in the mail today and there is a full page ad for Keep a Breast with a bunch bands at warped tour last year wearing the below shirt and I saw it and wished I'd got it again.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Some Sad News, A Great Surprise and more Comedy

     Today after my first CS class, at 12:20, I walked into the Living Room in the Student Center and was very surprised and so happy because Strangers with Candy on the TV.  I was so happy.  I sat on the couch and started to watch it and became very sad because the show was ending.  The TV show is never on anymore and its really fun, I really miss it.  When I got home I checked the Guide on my TV and Comedy Central is playing it each day at noon.  Which makes me sad because I'm in class until 12:20 on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and until 12:45 on Tuesday and Thursday; so the most I'd be able to watch it like 7 minutes (because it takes 3 minutes to walk to the Student Center).  So now I'm sad because I can't watch it.
     I got an awesome surprise when I got home from school today.  I had preordered the new ATHF DVD and the book Adult Swim and Comedy on, but it wasn't supposed to arrive at my house until 2/6.  Well they came in the mail today.  I haven't watched the DVD or read the book yet, I'll probably due both this weekend.
     I found another comedy show I really want to go to.  Tearing the Veil of Maya Tour w/ Eugene Mirman, Michael Showalter & friends is coming to the Museum of Fine Art in Boston on 2/28.    Eugene Mirman is hilarious!!!  I would kill to see him live.  He is awesome!!!  I really want to go.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Dave Willis's Grandmother Voices a Murderous Topless Grandmother on ATHF

This video is really funny.  Its one of the special features on the new ATHF Volume 5 DVD that came out today.  I preordered it a month ago, its supposed to arrive at my house 2/6.  If all the special features are this funny I can't wait. 

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Chad Kroeger Isn't a Rock Star

So this comic is funny.

Headache, School and a Dumb Movie

So I did some editing on my website, go check it out at  I have a headache, it's probably as mix of Jen and being sleepy.  Me and mom had to watch Jen almost all day Saturday and for some reason she was a beast.  She just whined and fussed all day.  I didn't do any homework yet.  I meant to all day Saturday, but just never did.  Yesterday at school I found out that they are offer the online Calc I again.  I was going take it but it had been canceled, so I took Principles of Political Science instead.  Yesterday I contemplated dropping Principles of Political Science and take the online Calc I.  My mom said I should take both, but I told her there is no way in hell I'm taking six classes.  I think I'm just going to take it in the fall.  I think Johnny is going to do the same thing.  I have been meaning to put some more stuff on eBay for a week, but I've only listed one thing.  There is literally $40 items on the floor next to me waiting to be listed on eBay.  Like half of them are already all priced and everything.  I'll probably hopefully list a bunch this week.  Yesterday at school a big group of us watched the movie Shoot Em Up on one of the TVs in the Student Center.  That movie was so stupid and incredibly unbelievable.  By the end of the movie the main character has severally injured both his hands, and their all bandaged up.  Then he pulls a gun out of pocket and shoots some people trying the rob the restaurant by wedging a carrot in the trigger of the gun and pushing the carrot with his stub of a hand to fire the gun.  then he shots on of the robbers in the leg, then the robber falls.  He then shots that robber right on his trigger finger of the gun he is holding which fires robber 1's gun and hits robber 2.  We all laughed so hard because it was so unbelievably dumb.  And they wondered why that movie didn't do that good in the theatres last year.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

What if Every Urban Legend is True......?

So this video examines what would happen if every urban legend ever was's really funny

My Marvel Superhero Personality

So I took another online quiz, my results are below:

Sex & Breakfast was pretty good

So I rented the movie Sex & Breakfast today out of the Red Box at Hannafords.  It was interesting.  It was about two couples, James and Heather (Macaulay Culkin & Alexis Dziena), and Ellis and Renee (Kuno Becker & Eliza Dushku), who are having relationship issues.  James and Heather love each other very much, but the sex isn't that good.  Ellis and Renee argue a lot and think their relationship is becoming boring.  Both couples decide to try an experiment with group sex to maybe fix their problems.  It really didn't work for either couple.  It was interesting though because the stories of the two couples don't intertwine for most of the film.  The couples don't even really meet each other till the end or so when they actually have their group sex.  A very interesting movie.  Usually not my type of movie, but it was pretty good.  It was a very interesting story.  I have posted the trailer for the movie below.  I may get another movie next week.  I was going to get King of California, but I may get eitherThe Amateurs or Day Zero.  I just thought about and I think I'd prefer to get Day Zero but I don't know if it was or will be in the Red Box.  I don't think The Amateurs was or will be in the Red Box either, but probably for good reason it isn't very child friendly.  But King of California was in the Red Box, so I may end up getting that one.  I'll tell you next week.

Friday, January 25, 2008

I want to see this movie bad!!!

I really want to see the movie Strange Wilderness.  Who wants to go???  It opens next Friday.  I may make Abiola go with me, but she probably won't.  Watch the trailer below!!!!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Stephen Colbert = True Bliss

I am watching The Colbert Report and eating Stephen Colbert's Americone Dream.  This is true bliss.....

MacWorld (Mac users go crazy)

I have just watched the below video.  Its is the trailer for the new documentary MacWorld.  It was meant to help the Mac industry and show how dedicated people are to Mac products.  Instead it shows how crazy these people are and how they really need to get a life.  Some of the people in the video are really pathetic.  I encourage you to watch the video

The Appreciation Post and Math the Band show at the Middle East

So, I have found another concert I want to go to and need someone to come with. The show is Math the Band, The Appreciation Post, Mystery Tramps, Bad Flirt, and The Hollow Sound. The show is at the Middle East in Cambridge.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Sweet Poster, a new Piebald show, and my new interesting professor

So, want the below poster.  I also want someone to go with me to see Piebald on 4/19 at the Middle East in Cambridge, MA.  This is night two of their last concert ever.  I already have tickets to night one on 4/18, now I want to go to night two, who wants to go with me.  I've already had two days of school and its going to be an interesting hopefully not to hard semester.  I didn't take the online Calc I (it was canceled), instead I'm taking Principles of Political Science.  My professor for that class spent most of class yesterday explaining in great detail how much he passionately dislikes  Bush and Chaney.  It was interesting and very funny.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Weird KFC commercial

So, I just watched this video and it is the strangest thing I've seen in awhile.  This kid hears his dad beat the crap out of his mom, and supposed to be a gag commercial for KFC.  WTF????


Monday, January 21, 2008

Hilarious videos (WATCH THESE!!!)

So, I just watched the funniest videos. They are seriously the funniest I've seen in a long time. The first one is about what would happen if all the most famous wensites on the net went to a party. The second is about Lite Frite, the new coolest way to give bad news.

School Starts Tomorrow, I moved my site, & Stephen Colbert is the Man

So, since I got a D+ in Calculus 1 I was going to take the online Calc 1 class. But they are no longer offering it according to the school website. I just looked on the site and its no longer there. I assume that means they have canceled the online Calc 1 class. So I looked and looked for a new class I can take. Almost all the classes I could take are either full, require pre-requisites that I haven't taken, or are offered at times that conflict other classes in my schedule. There was only a few classes I could actually take. I am debating if I should take Principles of Political Science or Consumer Economics. The spring semester starts tomorrow. I am pretty much ready, except for choosing the new class.

So I have permanently moved my site. The new url for my site is I have redirected all links to my site to the new url. It is identical to the old site. I didn't change the link to my site in the column to the right. If you click it it goes to my new site. The old url is easier to remember, but if you click it goes to my new site with the url

Yesterday I finally broke down and programmed my new remote control for my TV. I fought the remote the day after Thanksgiving last year. Yes the day after Thanksgiving as in Black Friday. I shopped off and on last Black Friday from literally 4:20 am to 11 pm. The remote for my TV was really starting to suck. The channel up button didn't work, among others, and the buttons had to be pressed hard to work. My thumb was literally starting to ache from watching so much TV and having to press the remote buttons so hard. Yesterday I finally programmed the new remote and my thumb let out a sigh of relief.

On Friday I tricked my mom into buying Stephen Colbert flavor of Ben & Jerry's ice cream Americone Dream. It is really good, just like everything else he has touched. I got his book for Christmas and have been reading it. It is really good, one of my favorite books ever. His TV show is awesome, his book is awesome, his ice cream is awesome, he is awesome. I am watching his show now actually!

I just checked Piebald's myspace and they posted my comment. They have to approve all comments and they are really slow at approving them. The approved the comment I put on their profile on 12/22. For anyone who doesn't know Piebald just broke up and their last show is at the Middle East in Cambridge, MA this April. This is the comment I left them: "I'm so excited for the April 18 Middle East show. I got up yesterday and sat at the computer until 10am (when tickets when onsale) and bought my tickets to the show. I can't wait. You guys should totally pull a Police move and reunite in 20 years. I'm sure I'd still love you when I'm in my 40s and would definetly go see you then!!!!! ". I thought the second half of the comment was very clever.

Website issue & new temporary site

So, I'm having some serious issues with me website right now.  Its giving me all sorts of issues.  I've decided I'm just going to delete the site and start over.  So I am in the process of deleting it, when I put it back up it will look just like it used to.  Well I try to delete my regular on the domain, I have moved the whole site to the domain  If you click the second of those two links it will bring you to my new site.  When I fix the old one I'll move it back to the old domain.  Both sites are pretty much identical.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

My Favorite Sunday Comics of the Day

Today's Sunday comics had a few nice ones.  Below I have provided my three favorite comics of the day.  Click on each comic strip to see the full comic strip.  

I think the drama is over.....

Ugh, fucking FrontPage is giving me issues.  I edit and update my website with FrontPage and now its telling me there is a problem with me FrontPage Extensions.  It is really annoying, because I have trying fixing it but could not.  However, enough about that, I think I have ended all the drama.  (But I am sure this is not the end of it).  I fucking HATE drama.  I loathe drama.  Drama queens annoy the ever-living piss out of me.  For any of you who actually know me, you know I was dating a girl named Jessie for just less than four years.  Then we broke up the end of last November last year.  She dumped for a stupid reason.  Well, I take that back, she said stopped loving me, which is a good reason.  But the other reasons she gave were really stupid.  Well, pretty much ever since then there has been the chance of us getting back together.  At first, I wanted to get back together with her and she was not sure.  Then we both were not sure.  Then apparently, she decided she did want to get back together, but she did not tell me until a few days later.  And in those few days, she once again showed how much of a drama queen she is and completely overreacted about something.  And I have been thinking about it all week and I have decided that I cannot take her drama anymore.  She is by far the biggest drama queen I have met and I am quite sure will ever meet.  I just could not take it anymore.  We were not even going out more and I still had deal with her shit.  I could not take it anymore.  She said she would not message me anymore, if I wanted to talk to her I would have to message her or whatever.  She said that last Monday.  Since last Monday she has messaged me through Facebook seven, times, emailed me once, and I believe she emailed me mom twice.  She kept complaining that I did not respond to her messages.  Therefore, about an hour ago, I finally did and I pretty much said exactly what I have said in this blog post.  So yeah, I think the drama is done.  I am sure I am wrong.  However, I really hope the drama really has ended. 

I am really sorry that this post was all about me bitching about my ex.  I promise this will be the first and last post that is so bitchy and emotional.  I didn’t start this blog write about stupid, bitchy, emotional shit.  Sorry.......


Saturday, January 19, 2008

Sign the Petition to Make Colbert Huckabee's Runningmate

I found an online petition to have Stephen Colbert be Mike Huckabee's running mate. Huckabee has made several statements saying he would like Colbert as is running mate and Colbert was quoted as saying "Yes, a thousand times yes". You should sign the petition too. Click the widget below to sign the petition!!!

(p.s. I didn't rent Sex & Breakfast, out of the Red Box, apparently it isn't released until Tuesday. I may get it next weekend. If I do I'll write about it)

Friday, January 18, 2008

Smiley Face was a Fucked Up Movie

So, I just finished watching the movie Smiley Face, I got it out of the Red Box at Hannaford's.  I felt like getting a movie but there was like nothing good, and there I saw Smiley Face and I figured it might be funny, I usually enjoy those type of's all I can say.  Its was funny.  Really funny.  Danny Masterson fucks a skull.  What the fuck, Hyde from That '70s Show fucked a skull.  Adam Brody has dreads and sells pot.  John Krasinski, from The Office (US Version) is a crazy nerdy guy who is in love with Anna Feris's character.  And lastly the star if the film, Anna Faris plays Jane a girl how ate a bunch of cupcakes that she didn't know were full of some strong reefer and has thus embarks on the strangest day of her life.  It was funny, but wow, so weird.  The movie is due back tomorrow.  When I return it I want to get the movieSex & Breakfast.  I saw Sex & Breakfast in the Red Box and almost got it, but didn't.  There was a preview for it on the Smiley Face DVD and it looks like it could be really interesting.  So I'll probably get that movie tomorrow.  So comeback tomorrow because if I get it and I'll probably write about it tomorrow .

So, I Found this awesome website called  You should go check it out.  They have everything you can think of and everything is between 25% and 75% off!!!!

Tim & Eric Road Awesome Tour

So, I just found out Tim & Eric are going on tour.  Their first tour stop is at TT & The Bears in Cambridge on on April 21.  I want to go but its a Monday night, so I probably won't.  But I my first class isn't until 11:30 on Tuesday so I may consider.  Besides I'm going to the Piebald show in Cambridge on 4/18, I want to go to the Piebald show in Cambridge on 4/19, so I may already be going to Cambridge twice in two days, I don't know if I want to go back two days later.  Thats a lot of gas driving back and forth to Cambridge.

Two More Concerts and Some Bad News

So, Barron might have Lime Disease, that sucks.  I just found out apparently Piebald is doing a second show at the Middle East on 4/19.  I want to go to that show too, even though I'm going to their 4/18 show.  I really want to go since this show will actually be their last show.  Who wants to go with me?  They just announced the tour line-up and dates of the Bamboozle Roadshow  Its an awesome line-up  Saves the Day, Armor for Sleep, Set Your Goals, Metro Station, and Lydia.  The tour is coming to the Worcester Palladium on Saturday May 5.  Who wants to go with me?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Another cool shirt










So, I want this shirt too because I love that song, I'll probably buy this one, its only $9  

Cool Evil Shirt and its hard to keep Jen awake

So, I found this shirt online and want it.  It is becoming increasingly hard to keep Jen awake.  

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Its hard to keep Jen awake

So, it looks like the comedy show is discussed earlier may only be for Boston College students, I'm not sure yet, I'll keep you posted.  Jen has an appointment tomorrow with her neurologist and she isn't supposed to sleep at all tonight for this test she is having tomorrow.  Well I'm pretty much the one in charge or making sure she doesn't sleep and it is really hard.  Mom had a headache and went to bed.  Me, dad, and Jen are in the living room.  Dad has already fallen asleep.  Jen keeps dozing off and I keep waking her, but dad keeps saying leave her alone.  Mom said Jen isn't supposed to sleep at all, but dad really isn't helping.  Jen's appointment is at noon tomorrow at Children's Hospital, I don't know how the hell I'm going to keep her awake nonstop until then.  This is going to be very very hard.   

Awesome Comedy Show with Will Ferrell

So I Really want to go to this comedy show in with the comics shown above.  The comedy tour is coming to Boston College on Wednesday, February 13 at 7 pm.  Those are some amazing comics.  So who wants to go with me.  Come on, you can't say no!!!!  Its Will Ferrell!!!!    And come on Zach Galifiankis and Demetri Martin are hilarious.  If you want to go with me and if you actually know me in real life talk to me through myspace or facebook.

Monday, January 14, 2008

I was Bored and took online quizzes

So I took two online quiz the first says how Massachusetts you are and the second says how much you've changed in the last 10 years, the following is my scores:
You Are 64% Massachusetts
You're pretty Massachusetts, but you're starting to slip. Go eat a bulky roll and flip off a New Yorker.
You've Changed 36% in 10 Years
Ah, the past! You may not remember it well - because you're still living in it.While you've changed some, you may want to update your wardrobe, music collection and circle of friends.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

I Hate Headaches and My Spring Semester Schedule

So, I had a headache today for a few hours.  Then I took two Excedrin and drank some of the coke I had hidden in my room.  Now my headache hurts less.  I'm going to need to buy a lot more coke to hid in here.  So because I got a D+in Calc I, I am going to have to drop Calc II, which I am scheduled to take this spring.  I'll probably retake Calc I, but I am probably going to take the online class.  Since the online class only meets online, my schedule will look something like the table below, which is pretty cool.  I don't have to go to school until 11:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays and 9:30 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Class:  Intro to Mass Comm    Intro to Mass Comm    Intro to Mass Comm
Time: 9:30-10:20   9:30-10:20   9:30-10:20
Room Number: L 116   L 116   L 116
Professor: Berrian, J   Berrian, J   Berrian, J
Course #: CM-100-06   CM-100-06   CM-100-06
Class: Digital Computer Organization Tech, Public Policy Digital Computer Organization Tech, Public Policy Digital Computer Organization
Time: 11:30-12:20 11:30-12:45 11:30-12:20 11:30-12:45 11:30-12:20
Room Number: ST 103 ST 101 ST 103 ST 101 ST 103
Professor: Varpahovsky Wurst, K Varpahovsky Wurst, K Varpahovsky
Course #: CS-253-01 UR-230-01 CS-253-01 UR-230-01 CS-253-01
Class: Unix Systems Progamming 10:00-11:15 Unix Systems Progamming 10:00-11:15 Digital Computer Organization
Time: 1:30-2:45 Library 121 1:30-2:45 Library 121 1:30-3:30
Room Number: ST 103 Safford, J ST 103 Safford, J ST 103
Professor: Meunier, J   Meunier, J   Varpahovsky
Course #: CS-282-01   CS-282-01   CS-253-01

I'm addicted to Coke

So, I'm seriously starting to believe I'm addicted to Coke, no not cocaine, Coca-Cola. For anyone who doesn't know me I drink a lot of Coke in a day, a lot. Well I hadn't had any coke since Wednesday and Last night I had a horrible headache, which we have come to believe is a withdrawal headache. I didn't have any Coke all day today either and it had a headache, though not as bad as yesterday. I'm probably addicted to the caffeine in the Coke. I could drink the caffeine-free Coke, but it doesn't taste nearly as good. So I really don't like headache's and I do like Coke, so when I went to Hannaford's at 8pm I bought a 6-pack of 16 oz bottles of Coke and hid them in my room. It feelsso good to drink.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Piebald might do an Andover show + the news thinks they can define emo

So, I was reading something online that said Piebald had planned on doing three final shows, one in NYC, one in Boston (which I have tickets to), and one in Andover.  They never mentioned on their website or MySpace anything about doing an Andover show.  I actually half-assumed they would all along, but I figured the Cambridge show was close enough to Andover.  So know I'm trying I'm freaking out about this.  Is there actually going to be an Andover show???  If so, when will they officially announce when it will be or if they actually intend to do the show???  An Andover show could be awesome, I bet it'd be even better than their show at the Middle East is going to be.  If they do do a show in Andover, I HAVE TO GO!!!!  I'll just have to find someone to go with me though.  I hope if they do have an Andover show its on a weekend cause I prefer weekend shows.  I'll keep you all posted about this new development.  (haha, I know no one reads this). 

Alright so below is a really interesting, really funny video about some nightly news crew made discussing a scary new trend in the youth in their area: emo.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Awesome Videos in Support of WGA

So the following are two videos that are really funny, but at the same time a little serious, that were made by some of the writers on strike. The first one is one of the writers of the Daily Show reporting on the writer's strike on the sidewalk of NYC. The second is a video made about some of the jobs some writers may need to take up soon. You should definitely watch both, they are both very funny and really well done. Below the two videos I've posted a an image which is a link to a prominent blog about the strike you should definitely check it out. Below that is a counter of the number of days since AMPTP walked out of negations.

Funny Video about Bill Gates Potential Last Day

So I finally found the video Bill Gates made of what his last day might be like and posted it below. I saw clips of this video on TV and have wanted to find it since. Its really funny and has some awesome celebrity cameo. You should definitely watch it.

Which Shirt Should I Buy

I really want one of the below 2 shirts, but both are like $30 and I'm too cheap, but I may buy one eventually, which one should buy?


Today was ok + "Sexy Lumberjack" video

I really didn't do a lot today. Me ad Jessie hung out for a while, it was actually fun. This video is very strange. Its pretty funny.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Golden Globes are cancelled and the NH primary commercials are annoying

I was so happy tonight to see the Daily Show and Colbert Report. And they came back just in time, right before the NH primary. Wow so they actually cancelled the Golden Globe's. They were asked a couple weeks ago and they said it would still go on even if there was WGA picketers there. When the Screen Actors Guild has announced that they have decided instead of crossing the picket line and confronting the picketers, they just would not show up to the event. Well it was announced Monday, several hours ago, that they are cancelling the event. Instead of the regular red carpet and awards dinner, there will be a press conference where they will announce the winners. The press conference will be 9 pm Sunday. But back the bigger story the NH primary are today. Alls that was on TV Monday was commercials and news coverage of the primary. I literally saw the same three candidate ads at least 15 times, it was the Obama, McCain and Edwards ads. And they were always on back to back and usually in that order it was weird. Apparently Monday morning Hillary was in some dinner in NH talking to people and she was talking about how hard it is to be a woman running for the presidency and she started to cry. That is exactly why we don't a woman president, especailly her. If campaigning is to hard for her than how the hell could hack being president.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

I hate vitamins and Juno quote

So yeah, the results from my blood test came in the mail yesterday.  Exactly as I expected my calcium and Vitamin D levels were extremely low, among other vitamin deficiencies.  I figured they would be as I hadn't had a single glass of milk in about 2 and a half years.  Now I have to take a Flintstones vitamin, a Vitamin D tablet and two calcium pills everyday.  And the calcium pills are huge.  I guess eating a horrible diet my entire life is catching up with me.  I've done some awesome editing to my website, go check it at  I found this cool widget that has quotes from the movie Juno and posted a quote below.

Funny Pearls Before Swine comic about Old Yeller


I love this comic, its old, but hilarious.
(Click the pick to see the full comic)

I got a 124 in Bowling (and it wasn't candlepin!!!)

So I was supposed to go bowling today at 5 with Serena, Sara and Johnny but at 3:25 Serena wrote on my Facebook wall to say Sara and Johnny decided they didn't want to go. She said she'd still go if someone else came. We decided to try to get Abiola to come, but she was working until 7. So when Abiola got out of work she asked her mom and she said yes. So we went bowling at AMF in Shrewsbury. That place kicks ass. It was the best bowling place I'd ever been too. The only issue was it was actual bowling not candlepin. For anybody who does know me I'm not that strong and those balls are heavy. But I actually did fairly well. We did 10 rounds and I finished with a score of 124 and got 4 strikes. That is amazing for me. Especially because I haven't bowled with actual bowling balls in years, not that I bowl much. To be fair though the gutter were up, we didn't ask for them, they just happened to be there. The definetly helped me. After that we left and went to KFC then home. Abiola had to be home by 10 which sucks I was bored and figured while we were in the area we got go to Borders and NewburyComics and that, but we couldn't.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Juno was soooo good and I miss my Comedy Central political pundits

So I saw the movie Juno today and it was really good. The movie had a really good soundtrack and was really really well written. The script was amazing, and I'm not one to notice that. It has been nominated for the Best Picture Golden Globe in the Musical/Comedy category. It's up againstAcross The Universe, Charlie Wilson's War, Hairspray, and Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. I bet either Charlie Wilson's War or Sweeney Todd will win sadly. Ellen Page is also up for Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy, I think she has a good chance of winning and she should. Juno is up for Best Screenplay too, but its up against Atonement, Charlie Wilson's War, The Diving Bell And The Butterfly, and No Country For Old Men. I think it has soon good competition with No Country For Old Men. Well The Golden Globe Awards are next Sunday so we'll just have to wait to see who the winners are.

The Colbert Report and The Daily Show return on Monday. I can't wait. I have thoroughly missed those shows. Comedy Central has even stopped playing reruns of them. I haven't seen either in too long. My mom bought me both America, written by the Daily Show writers, and I Am America (and So Can You), by Stephen Colbert, for Christmas but I have yet to read either. I should probably start soon. I go back to school in like too weeks.

Friday, January 4, 2008

My First D....

So I got my grades for the fall '07 semester and I got pretty much exactly what I expected for grades. I got an A in Data Structures (which is hilarious because I slept most of the the last like six classes), I got an A- in Technical Writing, I got a C+in US History I, and I got a D+ in Calculus I. The D+ in Calculus really sucks because you need at least a C- to take Calculus II and I am scheduled to take Calculus II in the Spring. So that sucks especially because I got a D+ which is just under a C-. I may take Calculus I again, but I may take the online one, I hear its easier. The D sucks, but its the first grade I have EVER gotten that was under a C-. EVER!!!! I have never gotten less than a C- ever in the all years I've been in school. I never got less than a C- in college, high school, junior high, never. So it the fact I got a D+ isn't that bad because I've never got one before. My mom wasn't really happy, but it doesn't matter. Calculus is hard. My cousin took Calc I last semester and failed badly she said.

I've been so bored lately. I've sent a lot of time building my new website and creating this blog. I literally probably spent like 14 hours building my new website. I need a life, haha. I haven't out with anyone since me and Serena went to see The Appreciation Post at the QVCC in Worcester on 12/8. But I think I'm hanging out with the old Hannaford crew this Saturday. And I might be hanging out with Abiola next Saturday.

My old Blog

So, yeah, I've discontinued my old blog and started this one. My old Blog is: