Friday, August 27, 2010

City Island was a great indie film that should have gotten more exposure

City Island was a very entertaining film with a great cast. Great performance by Andy Garcia.  This is probably my favorite of his films.  His character loved his amll community but it seems wants to secretly want to break free from it.  He works as a prison guard but wanted to try to be an actor and has secretly been taking an acting class.  Alan Arkin had an interesting role as Garcia's acting coach.  Alan Arkin played more of a realistic acting coach than you usually see in TV and films.  Usually acting coaches and acting classes are portrayed with ridiculous over acting.  Ezra Miller is once again great. Everything I see with Miller in it he plays pretty much the same character, but he does it so well. I liked how his character was really into fat chicks but the girl he likes thinks he's some ass-whole who makes fat jokes. You really don't see many teen characters who are really into fat chicks, especially when it is done in a since way. Julianna Margulies was good, but I've definitely seen her do better a better performance.  Her accent seemed forced at times.  Emily Mortimer really reminded me of Emily Watson.  I liked The big climax and it was very rewarding and very funny. This was a very well written film that should have gotten more exposure.  I don't think I even heard of this film until it was released on DVD.  The DVD cover is what initially struck me.

You'll notice I know have switched the font of my blog posts from Comic Sans to Tahoma.  Everyone always shits on Comic Sans and I like other fonts so I finally gave in and charged the font.

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