Monday, March 30, 2009

A bought a great box set and a book

    I am so happy, the CD box set I bought on ebay came today.  I bought No Thanks! The '70s Punk Rebellion (pictured above) on ebay last week.  It's an awesome four CD set that I've wanted for like a year or more.  It's about $60 in the stores, I paid $15 (including shipping) on ebay and it's in really good condition.  I'm going to listen to it soon.  It has some amazing songs on it.  There are like three awesome CD box sets by these guys at Rhino Records.  The first is Nuggets: Original Artyfacts from the First Psychedelic Era 1965-1968 which has great songs from the psychedelic era of the 1960s, No Thanks! The '70s Punk Rebellion which chronicles the beginning of punk, and Left of the Dial: Dispatches from the '80s Underground which has some awesome underground songs from the '80s.  I bought the last one last summer at the flea market for $10 (although sadly it's missing disc 4 ) and I just got No Thanks! on ebay, alls that's left is Nuggets.  I'll probably never buy that one though, it isn't as good as the other two. 
    I also just bought the book "The Will to the Whatevs: A Guide to Modern Life" by Eugene Mirman (pictured above).  I've wanted this book for a few months now, I didn't rush to buy it because I'm not a huge reader so I'll get it when I get it.  If you don't know who Eugene Mirman is then I recommend you crawl out from under the rock you live under and look up this amazing comedian online.  This book is a hilarious self-help book that he had been writing for a while, but the book just recently came out.  The book is 206 pages, so I might get through it by Christmas, haha.  I'm a very slow reader.  Mom had a coupon so I only paid like $6 for it Borders.  A few weeks ago me and ma were at Borders and I started reading this book called "Weird Stories, Bizarre Stories and Life's Oddities".  I shows mom and she looked at it and asked if I wanted her to buy it for me.  Just to let you know she had a coupon she needed to use, she doesn't normally just buy me stuff.  At first I said no but then I looked at the back of the book and saw it was only like $4, so I let her buy it.  So I've been reading that too, but that has a lot of pictures, so it's a faster read. 
    Over the past weekend we went to our first yard sale of the year.  If you don't know me well, I love yard sales and flea markets and such.  I've got some amazing deals on stuff.  I've also bought stuff and resold it for a good profit too.  I can be a good salesman.  There was only one yard sale over the weekend, but this weekend there'll be more and then there'll be pretty much more each week.  It's very exciting.  My mom said the Rietta Ranch flea market opens for the year this Sunday, she wants to go but I don't think we are going to.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

You should buy a pre-sale ticket to Warped Tour

    The pre-sale for tickets to Warped Tour go on sale April 1.  I strongly recommend you buy a presale ticket if you are thinking of going to Warped Tour this year.  These special pre-sale tickets are going going to be well special.  They will be special 15th Anniversary tickets.  They come with a free copy of this year's 2-CD Warped Tour compilation set.  They are cheaper than regular tickets (I am not sure how much the will cost yet, but in past year the pre-sale tickets were about about $27 and the regular tickets are about $35).  They also  will get you into the show earlier than every one else (I do not know how much earlier but trust me an amount eralier if a huge plus with the crowds that are usually trying to get into Warped every year).  You should definetly consider going this year and you should buy a pre-sale ticket.  If you click the banners here you it will bring you to a site where you can be signed up to be notified as soon as the pre-sale tickets are on sale and on April 1 they will automatically redirect to the site where the pre-sale tickets will be sold.  I posted a video below about this year's Warped Tour, watch it!

Milk was Amazing

    I rented the film Milk today out of the RedBox and it was one of the best films I've ever seen.  I had wanted to see it for a while, I thought I might possibly like it.  I loved it.  The cast was amazing.  Sean Penn by far deserved the Oscar for Best Actor this year.  I really really like Sean Penn.  I haven't seen too too many of his films, but every film I've seen him in he was amazing in.  I loved him I am Sam too.  Josh Brolin's performance was incredible.  James Franco was awesome.  Brolin and Franco put so much emotion into their characters.  The look in Harvey's eyes was so powerful.  When I first saw Lucas Grabeel as Danny Nicoletta, I was unsure how he would be.  I was like "Isn't that the kid from High School Musical?"  But he really surprised me and did a really good performance.  They showed a real pictures of many of the main characters and the many of the actors actually looked like the real life people they portrayed, especially Milk.  Sean Penn looked a lot like Harvey Milk.  This film was just awesome.  Within the first 15 minutes of the film I immediately knew I would love it.  I cannot praise this film enough.  I just loved the whole style of the film, having Harvey Milk in a way narrate the story.  I loved how they wove actually footage of the period into the film.  In the end of the film I knew it was coming, but that scene with Harvey Milk and Dan White in White's office was still riveting.  I seriously, seriously recommend everyone see this film.  I watched the special features and they were just as incredible.  It was really interesting to see that they actually included many of the actual people from the story n the film, most of them had small roles in the background, but still.  Very few films actually move me.  If you actually really know me, and I know most of you don't, you'd know that I am NOT a very sensitive or emotional person at all.  This film moved me. 
    Honestly the only other film that has moved me like this was I am Sam (also starring Sean Penn).  That is another film I recommend you see.     That film is about a mentally retarded man's struggle's to keep custody of his daughter.  I've actually never told this story, as some of you know my younger sister is mentally retarded and the first time I watched I am Sam she was sitting with me.  It was just the two of us in my room.  She usually won't sit through many actual non-children's movie, she will usually either fall asleep or start fussing.  She stayed awake the whole time and didn't make a peep.  I honestly think she enjoyed it just as much as I did, although she can't talk so I won't actually know.  After the two us finished watching it, I just hugged her and sat with her for a while.  That film really just got to me.  My mom really liked the film What's Eating Gilbert Grape.  That movie was good, however I thought Sean Penn did a better portrayal of a person with mental retardation and the story was better. 
    Any one who really knows me knows I never talk like I did in this post.  I don't know, I just feel like it.  I also know probably no one will read this, but I just felt like writing this and saying what I've said. 


Me and Jen went to Hannafords

    Bun had said last week that we might go out for breakfast some time this week since me and Kara are both on spring break.  I was thinking about last night and I called Bun and said today was the last day of the week are we going or not.  She said sure.  Me, her and Kara all went to breakfast this morning.  Initially she had said last week that we might go to Jake's Cafe in West Boylston, but Grampy used to love that place and he died the end of last year.  Bun said she wasn't ready to go there, I tried to talk her into it but it was no use.  We were going to go to some place in Acton, but when we got there it was packed.  We left and went to some place in Maynard, the food was OK.  Me and Jen hung out for a while today.  Mom had to get her wisdom teeth pulled and dad went with her.  Right before Ma & Pa left Jen came in the living room and to sit with me.  After a while she leaned against me and fell asleep.  She dozed on and off.  She kept waking up and making me rub her ear.  She sat with me for over an hour and then Bun called and asked if we wanted to come over because Sandy was there.  Before Jen fell asleep she kept signing she wanted to walk to Bun's to show her movie, so I told Bun sure.  We hung out there for like 45 minutes to an hour and then we went back home.  Then we left to go return bottles at Hannafords.  I told Bun we were going and like always she wasn't sure if I should.  I told her I'd brought Jen to do bottles before and she was fine, it'll be ok.  As we were walking across the parking lot I saw a car that looked just liked Gram's and when we walked by it and I happened to turn and look at it and I realized an was sitting in the Passenger's seat of the car.  It was Gram's car.  We stopped and talked to Nan for a second.  Jen was such a good girl, I could tell she was actually having fun.  I think Jen loves to be given some responsibility.  Jen loved putting the bottles in the machine.  She was very slow but I was no hurry and she was having fun.  We she first started putting bottles in the machine she looked at me and signed work Elmo.  I thought for a second and remembered there was and Elmo DVD she wanted they were selling at Hannafords.  She was asking me if she helped me if I'd buy her the DVD.  I said, "No Jen, Elmo's for babies."  After we returned bottles she helped me cash in some money in the Coin Star Machine.  When we were at the Coin Star machine the girl who was working in the courtesy booth walked by us and told me Jen is her favorite little girl that comes in.  I don't know if she knew Jen outside of Hannafords or not, but I thought that was nice.  Next we looked for a movie to rent out of the RedBox.  I was leaning towards renting the film Milk, but I kept looking at the other movies.  I did rent Milk, read my review of the film in my next post.  Jen was such a good girl I let her rent a movie too.  She wanted to rent a Bob the Builder, I said no.  Then she wanted Scooby Doo, I told she wouldn't watch it.  She wanted Sponge Bob, and I told her the same thing.  She eventually rented Kung Fu Panda.  Then we walked around Hannafords to buy some food.  Hannafords now has small carts for like old or short people and Jen loves them.  She insisted I buy her some bubbles, so I gave in, they were only $0.85.  When we were at the register Lampon was the cashier at the register behind us.  Lampon is a really nice Viatemese lady that works at Hannafords she was asking me about Jen.  She was saying Jen is cute and then she asked how old Jen was.  She was stunned when I said eighteen.  I laughed and said she is a little short. 


Thursday, March 19, 2009

My last post was posted at 11:11, thats funny

    My last post was posted at 11:11, thats funny

Blog on Facebook, Going to Breakfast with Bun, I gotta alotta trash, etc....

    I  have set it so the feed from my blog (this) will be fed into Facebook.  Every time I post a blog entry it will automatically be posted to my Facebook as a note.  So If your reading this on my Facebook, cool, thanks, enjoy. 
    Bun told me several times last week that we'd all go to breakfast sometime this week.  Well the week is almost over and we haven't yet.  I called her earlier and asked her if we're going or not.  She said sure we're going tomorrow, me, her and Kara.  But she asked me where I wanted to go, and I told her Jake's.  She said she still isn't ready to go to Jake's so we're going to some little place in Acton. 
I spent several hours yesterday and today working on my Chem lab and Chem quiz.  My Chem teacher is the only one who gave homework over break, I hate her.  Both the quiz and lab are a bitch to do, I didn't finish either.  Me and Scott were talking on Facebook chat and he helped me some but he is really confused too.  We are both just going to do them both on Monday so we can ask the stupid teacher questions. 
    I saw this shirt online and I kinda like it, and it's cheap, should I buy it?
Click this text to view this t-shirt on the typetees website
    I have a trash box in my room that I put trash in and every couple months I burn it all in the backyard.  Well I haven't burned the shit since Christmas and there is a shit load of well shit in the corner of my room.  Tomorrow I'm going to connect my Zune to my old skool boombox, crank some tunes and burn it all. 
    Wow my blog posts are random haha.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

This semester is better than the last one

    Wow, I haven't updated this in a long time.  I stopped because I know that no one reads this, I only started writing in it because I was bored.  I knew the only person you read this was Jessie and after we broke up I just didn't see why I should.  I'm still not actually sure why I am. 
    This semester has been ok.  It is a lot better than last semester.  Last semester was probably the worst semester of my college life so far, and probably will be my worst semester of college period.  Last semester Grampy was in the hospital most of the from the end of October to the end of November (which is most of the semester),, he died in the end of November.  There was also my problems with Jessie, I wasn't really happy most of the time and I don't think she was either.  Most of the time I tried to act like it was Ok because I had enough to deal with with Grampy and and school.  For some reason I've hanging out at school a lot this semester.  Everyday, except Monday, I'm done with classes pretty early, but yet I don't go home until usually 3 or so.  I don't really do anything at school.  I usually just watch TV and hang out around the Living Room (the area with the couches in the Student Center at WSC) and surf the internet.  Sometimes I do homework, usually I don't though.  Sometimes I hang out with some of my new friends.  Most of my classes aren't too bad.  My Chemistry teacher is annoying though because she obviously doesn't know Chemistry, she makes really really dumb mistake in class and it's annoying because she is the teacher and the students correct her at least 3 times every class.  My favorite professor, Jeff Meunier, will not be returning in the fall.  He wants to, but they are cutting all temporary staff, and he is sadly temporary.  I few of us circulated a petition to try to get him to stay.  We collected about 110 signatures, about 80 of those I personally collected thank you very much.  We gave the petition to the school president, but we are unsure if it'll work.  He said at the end of the semester we will have a party, regardless if he stays or goes.  He told us its hard to have a party at school so we should all go to a local bar.  How many teachers say his students should go to a bar with him?  This guy is awesome, he is always cracking jokes in class and tells us awesome stories and he is the most passionate CS teacher at WSC. 
    Jessie sent me another message on Facebook today.  She sent me one in early January when she found out my cousin Jessica is pregnant.  Just like the last time I didn't respond.  I'm not being pissy I just really think it is best if she is completely out of my life.  I had decided a long time before we broke up that when we broke up
, I say when and not if because I knew we wouldn't last, that I would want her completely out of my life.  I didn't want to talk to her anymore, I didn't want to see her anymore, nothing.  The second we broke up I decided I really wanted to stay to that plan.  I just don't want any contact with her.  I honestly think I'd be better off.  Against my better judgment, I actually read the message.  She was actually very civil in the message.  She said she wanted to know if I wanted hang out sometime.  But Jessie was once again being Jessie.  She is not realistic.  She needs to realize I don't want to have anything to do with her.  Yes I get bored and lonely at times, yes I am on Spring Break and am more bored than usual, yes I want to spend time out with people, but no I do not want to spend time with her.  She'll probably read this, which is probably good, I'm not being pissy, I'm just honest.  I have been trying to contact Garrett about hanging out this week, but he is never online.