Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My only plans all summer is to sell stuff on eBay.....

    Alls I have to do now is to sell stuff on eBay.  My mom gave me a crap load of stuff today that I have to start putting on eBay, like probably over 40 things.  So I'll be busy with that for a while.  My only plans for the rest of the summer is putting stuff on eBay and my cousins baby shower this Saturday.  That could be interesting, but probably boring.  My new friend Laura was supposed to have a pool party or something this Thursday but apparently her mom got mad at her and now she can't have it.  That sucks!  That sounded like it could be fun.  Now I got nothing.  So I'm going to spend the rest of the summer putting stuff on eBay.  This really sucks.  I REALLY wanted to go to the Blink-182, Weezer, Taking Back Sunday and Chester French show in Hartford in August but I couldn't find anyone to go with me and I really didn't have the money to buy anything but a lawn ticket.  Pretty much alls that's left for tickets to that show is lawn tickets.  I also really want to go to The Get Up Kids show at the Palladium in Worcester in October, but I can't find anyone to go with me.  I'm no TGUK superfan, I think it'd be really cool to see them.  (TGUK means The Get Up Kids for anyone who couldn't pick up on that).  Well whatever I guess I'll just stay home, sell stuff on eBay and watch TV.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Visit My Website....NOW

    Like no one visits mywebsite.  That makes me sad :(.  Everyone go visit my website!!!  My website is, go toit now!!!!  I put an amazing amount of hours into it and no one visits it, so go now!!!!

Warped was fun and Johnny was interesting

    Wow last post was one month ago.  In my last couple posts I said I would start posting more and I haven't in a month haha.  Well the past month has been ok.  I went to Warped tour last Sunday 7/12 in Hartford, CT.  It was really fun even though for about a hour and a half at Warped I felt like crap, I think the sun was getting to me.  I say some kick-ass bands at Warped.  In the couple days before Warped I was thinking about it and I was a little scared on whether or not I would actually have fun, there were only a couple of bands I really wanted to see and I was going with people whom I didn't really know that well including one girl I'd never even met.  But I actually had a lot of fun.  The people I went with were fun and the girl I'd never even met was actually pretty cool.  We had a whole crap load of fun and after Warped we went to the Denny's-All-Nighter-After-Party, which pretty much was nothing like I expected.  But we had fun at Denny's even though it took us literally and hour and half to get our food.  We met these really cool two girls at the table next to us and we were talking to them off and on until they left. 
    Then I really didn't do much last week. 
    Over the weekend my family went to upstate Vermont to visit and old family friend.  We were going to see my dad's old friend from college, Johnny,  whom we hadn't seen in like ten years.  It was kind of interesting listening to him talk about my dad's college days.  I learned some interesting stuff, some I might not have wanted to know, haha.  He was cool but I he lives literally about 4 miles from the Candaian border in Swanton, VT and there is literally nothing up there. 
    I have been trying to find a job but no one is hiring I've been selling crap on eBay to try to make money.  Since the end of May I've listed 87 items and made about $258 on eBay and I got a crap load more stuff to put on.  I got my college bill for the fall in the mail over the weekend and I'm gonna need a hell of a lot more than that. 
    Well that's about it for now.  My cousins baby shower is this Saturday, I might write about that after Saturday.