I was supposed to go yard saleing today at like 7 am, but I was too tired. Mom said they'd go to the ones in Bolton then come back for me to go to the ones in Sterling. Them came back upstairs at like 10:15 and I still hadn't woken up. Mom came upstairs and yelled at me because I was still sleeping. Then she went back downstairs and her and dad unloaded the truck with some of the shit they'd bought so far. I got up, got dressed and was in the truck in about 15 minutes. We went to a few yard sales. I got the album Double Fantasy by John Lennon & Yoko Ono on cassette. Then dad decided he wanted to go for a ride to the Bass Pro Shops store, which is in the parking lot of Gillette Stadium.
Well we are driving along and then we hit horrible traffic. We couldn't figure out what the traffic was for. We didn't see an accident. Me and dad were thinking maybe there is some big concert at the Tweeter Center (NOT the Comcast Center, it will always be the Tweeter Center to me), which is a few exits before Gillette Stadium on the highway. But the traffic went past the Tweeter Center exit. Then we went to get off at the Gillette Stadium exit, and all the traffic was going down the exit. Then we started to notice most of the people in the cars around us had cowboy hats on. Mom roller her window down and asked the drunk woman in the car next to us what the traffic was for. The lady looked at mom like she had two heads it said, "Country Fest with Kenney Chesney is at Gillette Stadium tonight". So to go about two miles took us about 35 minutes. When we got close to Gillette Stadium both sides are of the road alls you could see was a sea of EZ-Ups tents and people talegating. There were so many drunk people just wandering around. Then we got to the Bass Pro Shops store and there was like no one there. But that place is crazy. Its huge!!!! There is a big fish tank and a waterfall and more dead stuffed animals in one place then I've ever seen in one place before.
My life really isn't interesting. I know no one reads this. I don't even know why I set it up and write in it.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Traffic Sucks
Monday, July 21, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Going Back To Philly
This video is really funny, its an extension of the TV commercial. JESSIE WATCH THIS
Friday, July 4, 2008
Fucking Emergency Room!!!
So yeah I've had this weird mark on my right shoulder for like a week now. So this morning me and dad went to the emergency room to see what it was. I went to register with the receptionist and alls she did was take my name. There was like no one there and we still had to wait a while. There was a TV in the waiting room, but alls that was on it was the tennis finals. Then the they called my name. This nurse looked at me, took my vitals and asked me information. Then she sent me back to register with the receptionist. I did that then went back to the waiting room. Me and dad sat in the waiting room for like 10 minutes, then they called my name again. Then they put us in a big room with hospital beds for like 45 minutes. Then the doctor showered up looked it my arm and said it looks like a an insect bite, maybe a tic bite. He said he wasn't worried at all about the weird mark, which is what I thought was worse. He said he was more worried about the light red circle around it. He said he'd give me a prescription for an antibiotic for it. He said there was a chance it was a tic bite and it could possibly have been carrying Lyme Disease, but he said that a test would really show a 100% if I had it or not whatever the result was. He said a Lyme Disease test could always be done later. Me and dad looked at each other and dad told him we'd have it done today. Then the doctor disappeared for a few minutes and then came back with my prescription. He said a nurse would come in a few minutes to do the Lyme Disease test. Then he left. A couple minutes after he left dad went back to the waiting room because he said the chair he was sitting in wasn't very comfortable. Then I sat in the chair dad was in. A few minutes later the nurse showed up to do the Lyme Disease test, which is a blood test. It was the same nurse from before. When the nurse came we had the following discussion:
ME: I'd really prefer if you'd draw blood from my left arm.
ME: Because I prefer my left arm being done then my right.
ME: Because when I was younger a couple times when I had blood drawn they kept missing and my arm hurt, and I write with my right hand so I figure if you mess up it won't hurt to write.
Thank god I made her do my left arm, because she missed my vain not once, not twice, but FIVE TIMES!!!! And she didn't keep poking me she just kept moving the needle around under my skin. She wasn't even new. By the third time she couldn't get my vain I was very annoyed. But by the fifth time I came extremely close to passing out. By about the third try I started to feel really woozy. Then I felt worse with the fourth try and my vision started to get blurry. Then I told the nurse I was light headed before at the start of the fifth and final try, then I felt really bad, my vision was really blurring and couldn't really even see. Then two nurses helped my onto the bed to lie down and she gave me a wet face cloth for my forehead. The nurse laid me down, pulled my glasses off by one of the arms of the glasses (which can bend and damage the glasses) and gave me the wet facecloth. After a few minutes I felt good enough to walk and I just left. I went back to the waiting room and told dad we can leave. My arm has been sore for the rest of the day. When I got home I told mom the nurse did five tries to get my vain. She was pissed. There was a sign on the wall at the hospital that said you'd get a survey in the mail about your treatment in the ER, I can't wait because I'll be very honest.
I GOT A C+ IN CALC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I GOT A C+ IN CALCULUS!!!!!!! I got a 69 on the final. I had done the math out on Tuesday and I figured out if I got at least a 67 on the final I'd get at least a 70 in the class, which is what I needed. With a 69 on the final means I got a 71 in the class, which is awesome. But even better, the teacher emailed me to tell me my grade on the final and he said my overall grade in the class was a C+. One of the kids in my CS classes said he took the online class with the professor and he got a letter grade above what he deserved.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
A Whole Bunch A Quizzes
I was bored and took some online quizzes:
How smart are u? |
a fart ur as smart as a fart |
How manly are you? |
Man Man You are the man that everyone wants to be. Your hench body and the girls surrounding you gives off all the right manly vibes. You'd love a sports car and the |
Do people secretly hate you? |
Self Doubter The question is-do you really even like yourself? Other people would like to get to know you more but your lack of self confidence can get in the way. Get out there! |
What Semi-Obscure Simpsons Character Are You? |
The Bumblebee ManDios mio! No es bueno! You get smooshed by a giant baseball, everyone laughs. You get pinched by a lobster, everyone laughs. Sadly, what everyone believes to be an aptitude for slapstick comedy is just really bad luck on your part. |
Can Chuck Norris kill you? |
Why bother? You aren't worth the time it would take for Chuck to bury your body...go cower in a corner you waste of space! |
Right Brain vs. Left Brain Creativity Test |
You are left brained. Left brained people are logical, and detailed oriented. They are good with words and language. Left brainers have excellent memory skills, and are good with order/pattern perception. |
Could you pass the U.S. Citizenship test? |
You answered 95% of the questions correctly. Welcome to the United States, but please visit the local library and brush up on your U.S. history. |
Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader? |
Smarter than a 5th grader! Well done! You are brighter than a big box of crayons! |
Classic IQ Test Results |
Your IQ117 |
Instant IQ Test |
Your IQ is 112.8 Bright. Above Average |
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Vantage Point was Pretty Good
I just finished watching the movie Vantage Point. I was really good. I got it out of the RedBox at Hannafords today. It took a little bit to get used to the style of the movie because it keeps rewinding the time like five minutes and showing a different person's point of view of what happened. It is interesting though because the actual story is of the movie is only like 12 minutes long. They keep showing a different persons perspective of parts the story. Really interesting movie. The are a lot surprises in this movie. A really good thriller.
New Futurama Movie Not As Good As Previous One
I watched the new Futurama movie, The Beast with a Billion Backs, last night. It was good. It was good if you loved the show. I think its only good if you loved the show, which I did. This one picked up right where the last one left off. Although didn't think it was as good as the last movie. The plot was kind-of slow and a little weak. There were many subtle things in the movie for true fans little inside jokes that were in the old episodes of the show, but definitely not as many inside jokes as the last movie.